Bummed out
I emailed my Rn this morning and received a reply. My ?? was that since my vl at week 4 was 98 and not und, am I still in the running for a 24 course of treatment. Instead of finishing in April, I will now finish in Sept. Bummed out = yes. Devastated = no. But bummed out does = yes.
notified to stop all treatment
Well got the call to stop the 3x treatment and waiting to see if can still do eprex to bring up hemoglobine. Seending me for blood work Monday and then to an Nephrologist seems they and I guess I should be worried about kidney failure. Creat jumped to 217. Could be my own fault since started Vict last Fr...
Side Effects
Hello everyone, Is it normal not to have any major side effects while on the following meds (incivek, riba and interferon)? The only side effects that I had was some achyness in my legs, and I felt like I had a really bad head cold. That was on the same day that I took my shot. I am just hoping that I am taking...
getting a cold
I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose and am concerned that I may be getting a cold. Since my last blood draw I have tried to be very careful because my WBC is low (3.3). Can I take any OTC meds in case what I THINK maybe turning into a cold actually does?
Aleve or Tylenol? What do you think
This morning I went to see a doctor for my never ending cough. She told me that Tylenol that I am taking for pain management is very bad because acetaminophens are processed by liver. She said I should take Aleve (naproxen) because Aleve is processed by kidneys. The doctor who told me this was not my hep...
4 week V/L results dissapointed but trying to stay positive and realistic
Just had my first V/L results back. On starting triple therapy my V/L was to the power of 6 (6 million). My first V/L result was 11. My nurse said this is not great news, as she was hoping it would come back as UND, however she did say it was a significant reduction. I have only been on the proper ribavarin dos...
4 week blood draw over with
It has been 4 weeks now. I had my first blood draw Tuesday. And will find out results next week. I have had a few side effects but nothing i couldn't handle. Knock on wood. Mostly have just gone about my daily routine. I am thinking I will start exercising again. As my joint pain has subsided. I so...
Missed dose
Well, it had to happen! After 37 weeks of not being even 5 minutes late for a dose, I forgot my 3pm Victrelis. I have 2 alarms for the 7am and 11pm, but have got a bit casual about the 3pm. I discovered the error at 6pm and had sheer panic and disbelief! After gulping them down, I had to work out how to get back on...
OddBall tripple
Well seen doctor and as of 2:00 p.m. I have started the Vict. 12 per day. Hemo was at 100 and he hopes with eprex can keep me at least around 85, still low but still only treatment mood left. only doing 3 rib per day and shot. Doctor figures the Vict will hammer my hemo, but what I have been reading the hemo i...
Dart - Dragon Poison
#18 6 To Go. I have been in a study, where I have been negative since week 1. Heres a salute to all that are doing this treatment for extended amounts of time. I have been a angry untouchable person. I find the only relief is to hide myself away. It also provides grand relief for my family !! LOL
unsure of nurse
im in week 9 of incivik and pegasus.Everytime i see nurse she never has much good to say and has a hard time remembering who i am and ,asks everytime if im still drinking.I have told her repeatedly that i dont anymore its been three years since my last one. this treatment is really getting to me,with the bu...
20g of fat - low carb and non-cheese?
Hello everyone, This is my first post, but I've been reading for a while and getting lots of useful information. I've read quite a few high fat options here, but I was hoping someone might have suggestions for low carb meals without cheese that are 20 g of fat. My husband just started treatment last Thur...
treatment stopped, eye bleeding, bad labs & viral load going up
I haven't posted in awhile, treatment made me pretty sick & was quite a rollercoaster ride! I was on triple therapy with victrelis & the doc stopped my treatment yesterday. I have an artificial eye and it keeps bleeding--like bloody tears when I blink, my lab results are just getting worse...
Treatment finished
My husband took his last Riba pill tonight. It is over!!! I hope he starts feeling better it has been a tough road. This forum has been a source of strength. Thanks.
A bad time of it
Hey guys, just checking in after going through a bad week or so with hubby. He's coping the best he can at the moment, but is suffering with fatigue, sickness, loads of hair loss and the general yuckiness that goes with treatment. I feel upset seeing him like this. He told me today that he can see a mas...
Well my blood count is all messed up. I am going to the hospital on Friday to get some blood. I was told it will take about 10 hours. Hope they hane a tv in the room. If i need a second pint I will have to stay over night. They say I will feel like a million dollars when I am done. Ken
Celebrate the time...Come on!-Last Shot Day.
So Today is my LAST SHOT! Lindsay and I are having our friend over; Joanie who is a love :) and she was present for my first shot so we thought it only right to complete the circle Linds and I are working on cleaning up lol, when Joanie gets here we are going to le...
Nuclear Waste Taste
I am on my 19th week of TX (triple with vic). Since approximately week 5 I have really bad taste in my mount but from what I read here on this forum it is common. Some days it was worst and some it was better. However, in the last 3 weeks I am walking with a taste that feels like someone dumped a nuclear waste int...
Success...with an Asterisk
I took my 12-week post-treatment blood test last Friday (Oct 26). I was tempted to tell the doctor not to give me the results on the basis that, emotionally, no news would be better than bad news. I was afraid to even hope for success, lest I be so very disappointed yet again. What I dislike most about H...
20 Grams of Fat - Best Kept Secret!
As a veteran of the Incivek 20-grams-of-fat wars, I know all too well the misery of gagging down that quantity of vile substances not once but THREE times a day for twelve weeks. But those of you who are mid-battle are in luck! 'Tis the season for eggnog! -- my all time favorite secret fat weapon. A sin...
Not taking enough ribavarin!!
Been on triple therapy since October 19th, ribavarin, peg interferon and incivo. Am due to collect next months medication this week. Discovered tonight I should have been taking 600 mg of ribavarin. have only been taking 200mg. Thought I had been given too much ribavarin, realised tonight that the...
drug resistant blood test?
I recently started a new job in the biotech field and durring me prospecting for new clients I came across Monogram Biosciences. They recently developed an assay (test) for resistance to boceprevir and telapravir. Have any of you had this? I didnt...I had my IL28B tested but not this test...I don...
question about after treatment
Hello everyone! I feel groggy and tired all the time due to the hep..and im about to start tx....after treatment is all said and done, does the tiredness and fatigue from the hep go completely away?? thanks! none of my doctors have been able to give me an answer so far lol
new to the forum just starting tx! introducing myself
Hi everyone! I'll be starting tx in a few weeks. I know most things about the disease but don't know much about the tx. Im 25 and have geno 1a..my vl is 50,000 and so far my biopsy said there is no liver damage. I was diagnosed at 17 with hep. Being young and stupid and influence of an older sibling I used pill...
Successful blood transfusion
Went in for 8:30 a.m., they did the cross reference blood work and set me with a choice either a chair or bed. I took the chair, as I have other injuries and need to move sometimes. Blood was O + started units in my left hand. Ended at around 2:30 p.m. color came back and so did my breath. No longer doing t...
Done Treatment!
I just took my last 2 little riba pills and now I have finished tx! I did the 24 weeks, triple with Incivek. So many side effects along the way: itching, major fatigue(anemia), dizzyness, naseua, stomach pains, feeling like I have the flu, hair loss, fire in the hole, shards of glass, and some others. T...
Doing Bloood Transfussion in A M
Cannot really sleep, nurse got blood results and with the two shots of Eprex Hemo not going up but comming down still. Down to 70 so the set up a transfusssion for am at 8:30 said will take 6 to 8 hours depending how doctor wrote it up, I guess they are giving me two bags. I started out on 7 pink pills and was d...
Status update: UND @4 weeks
So, I'm currently in week 7 of treatment... a few days ago I got the results from my week 4 blood counts, and I'm happy to report VL showed UND :) Regarding SX until now, I think I can consider me one of the lucky ones. Still no rash or itching from Incivek. Anal burning was only there the first two weeks, then...
Old injuries & Tx
I had a blood clot in my ankle 26 yrs ago. I've been on treatment now for 7 wks. I sometimes wear a compression stocking to help with the swelling. The past couple of days I've had unusual pain and swelling in the area where I've had trouble in the past. Will Tx make worst old injuries or bring forth old troub...
first does & first shot
I will start medication (pills & shot) tomorrow, Sunday Nov 4th. What shold I expect????
denise b