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RE: I am new here

That sounds sensible, Lucy, take as much rest as you need.  It`s never possible to predict how people will feel once they start tx but these are strong medicines and this is the time to listen to your body and put your own needs first.

Well done for getting starting with tx, and best of luck!  smile  ~ Jill



(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.



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I already start my first shot on Feb 6. Today is my second shot. I have been feeling too tired since I got my first shot. So definitely, I make sure I can't work during my triple treatment. Already stop to find a job.

Fighting to virus


 1b, start triple treatment(incivek) on Feb 5, 2013.  UND@ 4,12,24 wks. EOT Aug 6, 2013


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Dear Lucy

I started 3t 2 weeks ago. About 6 years ago I took 2t At that time I still managed to work part time. My emploer was very generous Tody, employers prefer employees that are willing to work part time. Maybe you can use this method.


Best wishes and good Luck


Whether you think you can Or you think you can't You are probably right


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Hi Lucy, welcome!

If yu weren't a little nervous I'd be worried about you...lol

I took my shot Friday nights about 2-3 hours before I went to sleep.

As far as working or starting a new job, it all depends upon how you react to the meds. Everyon is different.

I drank a lot of water and ate a banana every morning. I was able to work without too much trouble.

Good luck and ask any other questions you might have. There are lots of good people here who will help you through this.



GT1a, St2 Lv2 last biopsy 2002, VL  11.4m,  start triple tx 9/30/11

VL 470 @4wks.....VL 22,000 @8wks  stopped tx

Round 2-  Started 3/16/12   PSI-7977, BMS-790052, Riba Undetectable day 14

Did 24 weeks Still UND 12 weeks post tx, SVR24!!!!!!! 2/14/13






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I went to Phar to oder 3 medications. Next monday I will pick up. then make an appointment with my doc. she will tell me the detail instruction. I guess the first shot will be next friday.

Usually, is it afternoon, or evening to take shot on Friday?



 1b, start triple treatment(incivek) on Feb 5, 2013.  UND@ 4,12,24 wks. EOT Aug 6, 2013

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Mary Jane wrote:
lucy wrote:

My doc already gave me medication priscription. I am 1b. stage 3.

Pegasys 1*180ug/0.5ml +Copegus 200mg tablets(600mg AM and 400mg PM)

+ invivek 375mg (2 tablets PO 7--9 hours with food

Now I am waiting my medication. guess to start next week.

So nervous right now

I am finding a job recently. already go some onsite interview. but my treament will start. how do I do. keeping job hunting ? or stop here? if I got job offer soon, should I accept it or give it up?  I am not sure if I can handle working during my treatment.

What can I do? Any suggestion will be appreciated


Hi Lucy, everybody is different. 1/3 get no symptoms, 1/3 get some symptoms, 1/3 get severe Sx.
Saw where you said take incivek with food. It's not that easy. Really it needs to be 20 grams of fat. There is a lot of 
info on what to eat to get all the fat.



58 yrs, cirrhotic, Genotype 1b 48 weeks Victrelis triple, SOT 7/13/12 victrelis started week 5. Starting VL 4,000,000  Wk 8 33 copies  Wk 24 UND, EOT UND 6 months post Tx DET. The battle goes on.


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Hi again Lucy, we all understand how nervous you must be feeling before you start your treatment, it`s natural to feel like that. 

I should think it would be quite possible for you to be able to work throughout your treatment.   Partly because of your relatively young age, and also because of the type of work you do, which sounds like it is sedentary and not physically demanding. 

Everyone is different in how they respond to the side effects, but we have many people on this forum who have continued to work all through their treatment, by taking extra rest in the evenings and at weekends.   Most people find that it`s best to take their injection (shot) on a Friday night so that they have the weekend to get over any unpleasant side effects, and then they are ready to start back to work on Monday morning.

As you will be doing the triple therapy with invivek the first 12 weeks are likely to be the most difficult as far as the side effects are concerned, but after that you will be only taking the other 2 medications for the rest of your treatment which you should find much easier.

I hope it all goes smoothly for you and your side effects will be minimal.  Keep in touch and you will find you get lots of support and plenty of good advice here. 

Best of luck!  smile  ~ Jill



(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.




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lucy wrote:

My doc already gave me medication priscription. I am 1b. stage 3.

Pegasys 1*180ug/0.5ml +Copegus 200mg tablets(600mg AM and 400mg PM)

+ invivek 375mg (2 tablets PO 7--9 hours with food

Now I am waiting my medication. guess to start next week.

So nervous right now

I am finding a job recently. already go some onsite interview. but my treament will start. how do I do. keeping job hunting ? or stop here? if I got job offer soon, should I accept it or give it up?  I am not sure if I can handle working during my treatment.

What can I do? Any suggestion will be appreciated


 Hello Lucy ...welcome back... ain't that the way life works... this is my 2 cents, you are still on meds you mentioned previously ? Are you able to have someone help you ? a support person?  Your age has alot to do with how you deal with the drugs and the stress level of your  job, physcial etc..The triple treatment is a big step along with starting a new job... I'm on the fence on this one ..  hopefully others will jump in and give their point of view... All the best MJ


Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

1a - VL 22 million  F2- IL28B- CT / Inck-Riba- Peg triple therapy 9/15/12 UND 4/8/14  8 wks BT ..3/1/2013 done! 3wks Post UND

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will start my triple treatment soon

My doc already gave me medication priscription. I am 1b. stage 3.

Pegasys 1*180ug/0.5ml +Copegus 200mg tablets(600mg AM and 400mg PM)

+ invivek 375mg (2 tablets PO 7--9 hours with food

Now I am waiting my medication. guess to start next week.

So nervous right now

I am finding a job recently. already go some onsite interview. but my treament will start. how do I do. keeping job hunting ? or stop here? if I got job offer soon, should I accept it or give it up?  I am not sure if I can handle working during my treatment.

What can I do? Any suggestion will be appreciated



 1b, start triple treatment(incivek) on Feb 5, 2013.  UND@ 4,12,24 wks. EOT Aug 6, 2013

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I am new here

I am 44+ ,  no anyone is with me.  only a good friend can give me some support and help. My husband is leaving from me. But I can still keep positive for my future.

When I met my doc. he told me maybe it is a good thing to keep busy for me during my treatment. so he told me to keep job hunting. But I know there are a lot of sides effect. I worry about I can't handle my job during my treatment. the job I am hunting focus on IT field.  I worry about I will feel too tired during treatment so that I can't work and It is not good thing I always request day off to take a rest at home. It is my situation. Please give me suggest and your experience

-- Edited by lucy on Friday 25th of January 2013 10:11:43 PM

-- Edited by lucy on Friday 25th of January 2013 10:13:03 PM


 1b, start triple treatment(incivek) on Feb 5, 2013.  UND@ 4,12,24 wks. EOT Aug 6, 2013

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I am sorry for my English is not good.

mallani, Thank you for your useful infromation. I need prepare everything for myself before my triple treatment.

-- Edited by lucy on Monday 3rd of September 2012 05:05:17 AM


 1b, start triple treatment(incivek) on Feb 5, 2013.  UND@ 4,12,24 wks. EOT Aug 6, 2013


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Hi Lucy, Unlike the trials, the latest data on SVR's show little difference between Incivek and Victrelis. The treatment protocols are different- with Vict. there is a 4 week lead-in with Peg. and Riba, then all 3 drugs for the remainder of Rx ( be it 28, 36 or 48 weeks). With Inciv. you take all 3 drugs for 12 weeks, then follow with just Peg and Riba for 12, 24 or 36 weeks. The Sx are different. The Inciv. folk seem to have more problems with rash and anorectal issues. However these seem to improve after the Inciv. is finished. With Vict. the anaemia is a bit worse.

Treatment duration depends on your degree of Fibrosis. F0- F2 can get away with the shorter Rx (24 or 28 weeks), provided the VL is Undetected at certain fixed points, usually at 4,8 or 12 weeks. F3's need 36 weeks or longer, and F4's need 48 weeks. Incivek is more popular in the USA. Hope this helps.


Geno 1b, IL28B CT,  x3 prior relapser,  ex-cirrhotic, 75 yo, did 48 weeks with Victrelis/Peg./Riba.  VL 1.28m at start, UNDET. at 8 ,12 ,16 ,24 ,30  and 48 weeks.  EOT 15 Feb 2013 , UNDET. at EOT + 28 weeks. SVR!  Still Undet. at EOT +5 years


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Thanks for all. A lot of useful information avaiable on this site. First thing I need do is I need know what is different between Incivek and Victrelis. I hope I can finish treatment in 24 weeks not 48weeks.

Here is a warm family.


 1b, start triple treatment(incivek) on Feb 5, 2013.  UND@ 4,12,24 wks. EOT Aug 6, 2013


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yes alcohol abuse can lead  to liver damage, it  also can happen when you have certain illness that require toxic medications like folks who have to control seizures, so can  persistent use of Tylenol , they did a study years ago on that one.. Being in certain industries exposed to chemicals and of course the medical profession is a good way to come in contact with HEP C and other wonderful things.  Some poor folks are co - infected..

Wow nursing homes now that's a book I bet..  Sorry about your daughter's friend, yes it can lead to  cirrhosis and w/o treatment  can cause demise, it can effect other organs as well.  As you can read treatment / drugs can be hell, and everyone responds differently.  Best thing you can do, find a good Doctor, stay monitored, arm yourself with the knowledge of the drug therapies out there,  along with  clinical trials. Do things that make YOU  happy .. Only you can decide what treatment you want to do, but a support group like here and family members and friends on board will help. 

peace and love MJflowerpot.gif



Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

1a - VL 22 million  F2- IL28B- CT / Inck-Riba- Peg triple therapy 9/15/12 UND 4/8/14  8 wks BT ..3/1/2013 done! 3wks Post UND


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I  Meant to say my son had a therapist that had Hep c and my daughters friend had it but developed liver cancer, I did not know at the time he was ill. He never  was treated for the hepc. he did construction  and was building her fence last time I saw him, then she told me he had passed on . I was reallyfrightened when she told me



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I met alot of HIV and AIDs pt and persons.I was doing private duty peds when I got really sick. before that I was a  visiting nurse making house calls in FL. doing alot of post sur wound care and assessments. I had a lot of end stage liver pt  early in career while working medsurg. but they were ETOH abusers. I also worked charge in a nursing home in FL and a very brief night superviser here in greenville. I quit the job in three days and told them they were a laws suit waitung to happen, I was only getting paid 1 dollar more to supervies an entire facility than I did as a private duty nurse



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Hi . nice to see Im not the only angry person on this boat. I feel sick if I push to much H2O, but If I finally do get tx started I shall heed your advise



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Michaele wrote:

hello, again. I really didnt know anyone with hep C except in passing, and as I read more and more on these personal insights  Im seeming that anxiety and panic attacks are very common among us. I have these and anger, too. But thats my fault for spoiling my children and doing every thing for everyone, now they are adults and still expect me to keep doing ,

 yep I'm guilty , it's called being and enabler...  But when you decide to start treatment your children will be there for you.......I find that really interesting, you hadn't run into more folks with Hep C being and RN..

 I guess since I'm a " talker"  and of course where I work I know alot of people personally and one of my gfs had a liver transplant... and now all these folks  here...

Just so you  know some of the folks on here a huge HEP C Advocates... bless them... and thus the big TV media coverage about all baby boomers and the  CDC recommendations for them to tested for HCV...

 I am not into alot of meds but I have had to relay on Xanex to get me thru the tuff spots.. chooo choo the train has pulled into the station for " ME" time .. I know that's a tuff one but you'll get used to it.... peace and love MJ


Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

1a - VL 22 million  F2- IL28B- CT / Inck-Riba- Peg triple therapy 9/15/12 UND 4/8/14  8 wks BT ..3/1/2013 done! 3wks Post UND


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hello, again. I really didnt know anyone with hep C except in passing, and as I read more and more on these personal insights  Im seeming that anxiety and panic attacks are very common among us. I have these and anger, too. But thats my fault for spoiling my children and doing every thing for everyone, now they are adults and still expect me to keep doing ,



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alexm1122 wrote:



I am 65yoa, stage 4 & on my second try: first was ribaviron & interferon; this time I am on the earlier two plus boceprevir and am now in my 8th month of tx. Temper tantrums can be a problem, some folks (me) will just blow up over nothing, I take setraline & try my hardest to stay away from folks. The itch, rashes, fungi is horrid-- Stay away from all caffeine drinks & drink lotsa water. Then drink more water. Yes, you'll become a peeing machine. ;)

Good luck & stick in there.


 H20 and this is where it goes...giggles toilet.gif



Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

1a - VL 22 million  F2- IL28B- CT / Inck-Riba- Peg triple therapy 9/15/12 UND 4/8/14  8 wks BT ..3/1/2013 done! 3wks Post UND


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I am 65yoa, stage 4 & on my second try: first was ribaviron & interferon; this time I am on the earlier two plus boceprevir and am now in my 8th month of tx. Temper tantrums can be a problem, some folks (me) will just blow up over nothing, I take setraline & try my hardest to stay away from folks. The itch, rashes, fungi is horrid-- Stay away from all caffeine drinks & drink lotsa water. Then drink more water. Yes, you'll become a peeing machine. ;)

Good luck & stick in there.



Big Alex


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Biggyb wrote:

Actually Lucy both drugs are about the same in results, just different side effects. I myself am on Victrelis and just love it..(said no one ever)

 sense of humor... it's a good thingrofl.gif


Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

1a - VL 22 million  F2- IL28B- CT / Inck-Riba- Peg triple therapy 9/15/12 UND 4/8/14  8 wks BT ..3/1/2013 done! 3wks Post UND


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Thanks for the hug, I needed that. And your still really young to have done so much. Im just confuse with all this, all of a sudden. Im still trying to figure out why it took 40 yrs to get a biopsy and that was at my request. Guess NC is very laid back when it comes to Hep C. but dr is really pushing for  tx now. I had one dr who s only care was me getting a colonoscopy, and talking gourment foods. I got a new doctor.LOL Seems everyone  here is very knowledgable about all this. hope I can find my way, guess I need alot of help too.



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Actually Lucy both drugs are about the same in results, just different side effects. I myself am on Victrelis and just love it..(said no one ever)


58 yo..Relapsed in 99 and again in 2004. Started triple therapy with Victrelis July 22,2012.  genotype 1a. week 8,12,16,24 VL Undetectable..E.O.T -- 6-22-2013,,,EOT + 24., UND. 

SVR !!!




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Welcome Michaele.. you are in good company.. your company includes  folks of many ages and many stages,  and all over the world.

I am relativley new here myself.  The memebers here are awesome with compassion, sharing experiences and tips of what works for them.. you ain't old.. as an RN arm yourself with the fact you need to learn more.. Gallbladder can be an issue mine has been gone since 94 but I think that was more genetic as all the women in my family have had theirs removed.  Hep C can take it's toll on othe organs as well.

If you go to the knowledge site on here,  there is a plethora of information .. We have many Guru's and Sr. memebers who will jump in and share thier advice and assistence.

YOU are not alone, hop in the boat and hang with us..  Take a deep breath..  this support group is the best thing you did for yourself ... (( hugs )) and the journey begins..

peace and love MJ aka Stephanie



Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

1a - VL 22 million  F2- IL28B- CT / Inck-Riba- Peg triple therapy 9/15/12 UND 4/8/14  8 wks BT ..3/1/2013 done! 3wks Post UND


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Hi,  Michaele here . Glad Im no longer alone with/in this. I was dx in early 2000s . Im still clueless, and really sort of afraid because of all the conflicted info and test results. Biopsy last month  said ;inflamation 1 fibrosis 3. ultra sound ok except for shrunken kidney and spots on pancreas and spleen. A cat scan a week later said signs of portal hypertension.Im getting upper GT on 9/18 to check for varices. I get gall bladder like pains sometimes that last few days. Im depressed, but who isnt. Bye the way I am 62 female geneo type 1. Guess I got this in early 1970s, I have had 3 kids while infected , all are ok. I even became a RN. and was still unDX , until I started to get sickish. Ended up on disability.    I heard the tx is really tough on the elderly, and may not work if Im stage 4. I must sound obtuse for an Ex  nurse,  but I havent worked since 2001, and things change daily, so I know zip. Anyway, I was trying to put off tx until my son turned 18 and moved out. He's 18, graduated; but still here. I dont think I can do the treatment with him living at home. Any ideas? I feel more depressed that sick most of the time and today I cut the grass in between the crying, and shopping,and over all hysteria. My 36 yr old daug ,said  " Get over it".  She's is out of the will. LOL



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lucy wrote:

Thanks a lot, everyone. I am doing some research from this site. It seems Incivek is better than victrelis.

I am so worrying about only myself nobody with me during coming triple treatment. I am not sure if I can take good care myself.

 You can do it ... it takes some planning ahead...snacks, meals ... have a game plan for the " just in case" and come & hang with us...  stock up on the suggested supplies and run with the pack... oh geez I feel another song coming on.. it must be the full moon.. best of luck MJ





Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

1a - VL 22 million  F2- IL28B- CT / Inck-Riba- Peg triple therapy 9/15/12 UND 4/8/14  8 wks BT ..3/1/2013 done! 3wks Post UND


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I am facing the same thing Lucy. I just graduated college and I do not know anyone in this one horse town, and my kids and family are 1000's of miles away. I have been so tired the last few months and don't feel like cleaning, doing laundry etc...You will find many friends on here that have your back. I took my first shot last night and my cousin hung out with me on the speaker phone just in case, (god forbid) something went wrong, which it wont...Welcome Lucy I believe in my heart you have come to the right place.


Diagnosed: May 2012

Genotype: 1B,  VL: 9 million

Stage: 3/4 fibrosis, activity level: 3

Started TX: Aug. 31, 2012 .....Peginterferon alfa-2a, Copegus, Incivek 

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Thanks a lot, everyone. I am doing some research from this site. It seems Incivek is better than victrelis.

I am so worrying about only myself nobody with me during coming triple treatment. I am not sure if I can take good care myself.


 1b, start triple treatment(incivek) on Feb 5, 2013.  UND@ 4,12,24 wks. EOT Aug 6, 2013


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Hi Lucy, I am new too, and we will probably start treatment around the same time.  Unless I decide to wait, I am still weighing my options there.  confuse

As far as preparation goes, I know I should be taking Incivek if I start in October, so I am trying to organize what I need as far as taking that with 20g of fat - I am planning on dark chocolate and whole milk, and nuts - almond, walnut, or pecan. 

I am trying to get at least a part time job lined up to help financially.  I am trying to pull together convenience items for the common common side effects, like itchy skin and so on.  I am trying to get a few things done around here (that I have been putting off) so I don't have to look at that if I am sick and sad.

Glad you found the forum!


Genotype 1a, VL 1,151,923.  51 years old.  Started treatment on AbbVie TOPAZ II clinical trial Oct 10, 2014!  Undetected at weeks 2 and 4! 

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lucy wrote:

Hello everyone,

I very glad to know this forum. All the time I am feeling lonely because of Hep C.

I will start treatment at the end of Oct.

I have questions.

1. Do you guys still work during triple treatment?

2. What need I prepere before treatment?

Thanks a lot



Hello Lucy,

Don't feel alone - Hep C is quite common and a lot of people have it. However, hopefully it will be a thing of the past with the new drugs in hand.

Some people have worked while on treatment, but it depends on the nature of your work. If you have to active and move a lot (e.g. nurse), then it's going to be hard. If your work is sedentary (e.g. office work), then it'll be bearable.

As for preparation, it depends on the drugs you're taking. Look up previous posts in the "on-treatment" sub forum and you'll get your answers.


Diagnosed Geno 1a, 1992. Relapsed after riba-peg trmt in Aug 08. Oct 22 2011: Incivek 3rx @ 18 million VL.

Day 10: <15. --------------------->>>>>>12 OCT 2012: SVR!!! 


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Hello Lucy,

Welcome Lucy,

 Neil is correct .

Geno type is factor, Viral Load, AGE, there is a new blood test IL28B, have you had a liver biopsy or scan. what was the grade or scale for that? What therapy drugs will you be taking? 

 There is a knowledge page on here packed full of information .  You have come to the "right" support group everyone here is awesome, we share experiences, tips, concoctions & sense of humor is a bonus.

I can only say, that some can work and others not just depends on the answers to the above questions.

Best of luck, other members will jump in and help you, with your journey ,stick around. Knowledge is power... and there is comfort among those who  ride in the same boat.

peace and love

MJ aka Stephanieflowerpot.gif


Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

1a - VL 22 million  F2- IL28B- CT / Inck-Riba- Peg triple therapy 9/15/12 UND 4/8/14  8 wks BT ..3/1/2013 done! 3wks Post UND

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Thanks, Neil. I guess I got hep c about in 1991. In fact, I am not sure when I got hep c. In 2004, I just knew I got hep c with 1b, stage 2. Till 2012, my doctor told me I can start treatment. I will go to see my doctor on 18 Oct. I know I will start triple treatment, but don't know which medicition. I have a lot of problems such as I am taking synthroid and nifedipine every morning. I am a trouble woman


 1b, start triple treatment(incivek) on Feb 5, 2013.  UND@ 4,12,24 wks. EOT Aug 6, 2013

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Welcome Lucy.
You'll need to give a little more info as there are 2 different triple treatments that are determined for the patient by different characteristics. Genotype, cirrhosis stage and several other things. The treatments have different side effects and different food requirements when taking. We have members undergoing all the possible ways and have a wealth of knowledge to share.


58 yrs, cirrhotic, Genotype 1b 48 weeks Victrelis triple, SOT 7/13/12 victrelis started week 5. Starting VL 4,000,000  Wk 8 33 copies  Wk 24 UND, EOT UND 6 months post Tx DET. The battle goes on.

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Hello everyone,

I very glad to know this forum. All the time I am feeling lonely because of Hep C.

I will start treatment at the end of Oct.

I have questions.

1. Do you guys still work during triple treatment?

2. What need I prepere before treatment?

Thanks a lot



 1b, start triple treatment(incivek) on Feb 5, 2013.  UND@ 4,12,24 wks. EOT Aug 6, 2013


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Hi  MJ, did you have any problems with thyroid before tx or your kidneys? My left kidney has shrunk and in Jan of 2012 my thyroid took a nose dive. Im stuborn and refuse to take meds ;, but I made the mistake of taking womens vitamins with iron for 7 months and had a cold cereal jones until I discovered that some have 100% of the daily dose of iron . now when your to tired to cook and live on cereal it can be a mistake. My daughter the RD didnt say anything and my dr didnt say any thing when I told her I started vitamins. Maybe this brain fog is getting around. I should have know but wasnt think .I ve been talking about my stuff to much , how are you and the side effects and everything

-- Edited by Michaele on Saturday 1st of September 2012 11:42:51 PM

-- Edited by Michaele on Sunday 2nd of September 2012 12:43:45 AM

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