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Post Info TOPIC: Started Solvadi/Olysio/Riba on the 15th. I have a few questions!

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RE: Started Solvadi/Olysio/Riba on the 15th. I have a few questions!

One week left barnacle. How exciting for you.  So glad to hear I'm not the only one with such a great responce......hoping it continually improves......sovaldi is a woinder drug.


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I didn't realize I had brain fog until I started treatment. My mind is clearer than is has been in years. I am a little sluggish due to a reduction in HGB but I had itching and insomnia for years that went away half way through treatment. I have a week left of treatment and have had some mild Sx but for the most part feel so much better than I have in years. Hang in there it gets better. Oh and I didn't miss a day of work during treatment and this week I am buying a new house yet I can still sleep like a baby at night without any helpers...
S/O/R is amazing...


57yo male gen 1a since '70s. Fib F3-4 VL >2M Tx started 5 Apr 14 Sov/Oly/Rib

wk 4 UND wk 8 UND, wk 12 EOT UND...keep em coming 24wks UND = SVR!

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I know isiscat.  I have bursts of energy, feeling of euphoria and things of that nature,  it's amazing,  I fell badly that I feel so good,  I have joy. i wish this for everyone,  I talk to my docs about everything.  I talked to them about this too,  i am the unusual.  I am not on ribo and am glad I could do this without it,  but it's because of my exteemly bad reaction to the interferon and ribo,  as good as I am....I was really bad on the the other combo.  I was hospitalized for 3 weeks.  And talk about depression,,,,,,scheez.....

i was thinking about a friend that had LASIK done....he couldnt see without glasses.  I asked I'm how he felt......he said....it's ok.  I was floored.....ok?....it's fantastic to see.  I didn't understand his responce then and I still don't understand it,  I asked if this is how it is for people when they get cured,  she said yes,  they aren't excited about it...she did say it's mostly men that poo poo it as nothing big deal....as ok.....

my brain remembers everything now.....even when it wasn't sharp.  I never felt less smart, I felt slow....things came to me but not fast,,,,,now it's like lightening,  the info is there.  I'm praying that when you're finished the meds you'll be singing the same tune as me.  

As I said, I'm not on ribo.....i don't know this combo....alway err on the side of caution, I know these are powerful drugs...toxic drugs......I'm not allowed to ride,,...for a reason I'm sure....with the way I feel , I would probably kill myself.....it's the euphoric thing.  Lol.



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XDSub wrote:

I am really hoping for an experience similar to Mary's, it is strange to just not know what normal feels like!

Who wouldn't?  Her energy levels went sky high, decades of brain fog were erased, and her mind went brilliant!  I want some of the "miracle" she is experiencing is the normal reaction.  smile  This is pretty exciting news and I could not be happier for Mary, but I would encourage you to have realistic expectations and plan accordingly.  Memory loss and a sort of brain fog are reported side effects of Sovaldi.  Riba and Olysio can also have mental (as well as physical) side effects.  Since your work as a helicopter pilot requires mental acuity in a very real sense--as in people can get hurt --this is something to take seriously.

The hepc virus can cause significant cognitive impairment but that typically happens when people become cirrhotic and begin to decompensate.  It is impossible to know how much a bad memory is caused by the virus vs something else.  I have a pretty good memory but intense stress can lessen it and can also give me the feeling of brain fog.  Also, memory is a very individual thing to begin with.  Like you, I don't remember names of high school teachers--with the exception of one who was very memorable.  It is easy to blame the virus for all of our issues (I do it myself) but significant memory loss, or other substantial cognitive impairments, should not be caused by the virus unless someone is quite advanced in the disease process. 

It also seems likely to me that the tx drugs can have a mind altering effect on some people.  I'm not talking about hallucinations or anything like that but feelings of euphoria, bursts of energy, and things of that nature.  These are powerful drugs. 

I don't mean to be a downer; just think it is best when people have realistic expectations and balanced information.  I wish you the best.





Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.

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XDSub wrote:


3) Last thing, I am military and am worried about appearing sick/over tired at work. I dont want to explain to the masses that I am going through treatment etc. I am not sure that the severity of the treatment warrants something like convalescent leave but boy would I rather be at home resting and trying to make the best of the treatment as possible hoping for SVR! I am not sure what to do really, but I am dreading 630am/Physical Training. I cant wrestle around with my kids for more than 15 minutes before feeling exhausted. It is a little overwhelming to think of a 4 mile run. Especially when sleep is so hard to find.


Hi Michael,

Caution is advised on this treatment, particuarly when strenuous physical activity and/or demanding mental tasks are involved. Ribavirin adds a component that can range anywhere between mildly annoying to downright debilitating. I think one of the keys to successfully navigating treatment is to stay honest with yourself about any limitations the drugs may impose upon you. If you feel you are becoming too mentally/physically challenged to perform your duties adequately, you would be better served to admit it to yourself (and others) at an earlier stage and help enable a proactive solution. Reduced workload, time off, whatever it might take. Clearing the virus and reclaiming your health is job #1.

As for the 4 mile run...  Pre-treatment I ran about 30 mi/wk, with a long run of 7-8 mi. By week 3 of tx, I was able to complete a 3-4 mile run, but it was ugly. After a month, I stopped altogether and settled for daily 2-3 mile walks. Easy walks at that. I hated it, but that was the reality of the situation. You are much younger and will hopefully fare better than I on this account, but do be careful and pay close attention to how you are feeling as you move through treatment. It takes awhile for the blood to become fully saturated with the meds. In my case that was about 6-7 wks.

Best of luck to you,





66 y/o male - Geno 1b - F4 cirrhotic dx 2001 - 16 wk treatment w/ Sovaldi/Olysio/Riba - Und @ EOT+24 SVR




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Hey Michael,

When I was active duty, I dealt with flight surgeons often enough to know they were fairly sharp on such circumstances. Better to be up front with them, cause they can really make things easier for you. Don't let the fatigue get so bad that it affects your performance. When they understand how severe the fatigue can get from these medications, they can make your treatment experience far more pleasant. These drugs can cause significant anemia, don't let that affect your health so adversely that you risk personal harm. Better to let your senior NCOs or officers know if it comes to that. Be strong and don't overdo yourself. Things will be okay as long as you take good care of yourself. Eat well, hydrate and do your best to rest and avoid too much fatigue! Good luck...




68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Thank you for all the advise and words of encouragement! I am really hoping for an experience similar to Mary's, it is strange to just not know what normal feels like!

As far as the military is concerned the same HIPA laws apply, but when work requires you to perform at a certain physical level your going to have to either let people think that you cant pull your slack and keep your fitness level up, or tell them. Id rather avoid both if I can. I happy to tell wonderful people on the internet who have the same or similar issues as I do, family and close friends... But certainly not a slew of random co-workers.

As far as the military medical situation... They no questions asked paid every dime for the treatment (A Huge blessing!). The downside is I have a military internal med flight physician and a civilian GI Specialist. I am the bridge between the two except for official correspondence. If worst comes to worst I can get my GI to write a recommendation to my flight doc. I am really just hoping my flight doc will accurately assess the situation and make the best decision. Convalescent leave is free but has to be approved by your military doc and your commander. I guess its my job to convince him of how important of a time this is!

Edit: I thought of a question for Mary (and anyone else with a similar experience!) Did past memories resurface at all, or was it from that point forwards things were easier to retain? I have been flying helicopters for many years now and maintaining all of the knowledge that is required is a constant, I just thought I had a horrible memory for years, but the more I talk to people about it the more I see it's relation to Hep C. Just curious! 

-- Edited by XDSub on Wednesday 18th of June 2014 02:33:45 AM


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I took interferon and ribo in 2006.  It was brutal and I only made it though 4 months.  I'm on S/O....6 weeks out of 12.  My treatment is easy......I feel great and just showed undetectable.

i was fuzzy for decades,,,,,I blamed menopause, age, a bad concussion on it.  2 - 3 weeks into the new combo and my brain went brilliant,  no fog....no memory issues....really fast.  It's amazing.....I guess I had hep hiding in my brain.....and it's gone now,..so I'm back to pre disease......

i sleep like a baby.....rest more than usual....energy is sky high,,,,strength is returning.

sovaldi is a miracle.  Just hang tough, do what you have to to get through because you will have a new life. I truly believe this.



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Hi Michael,

I'd like to welcome you to the forum! You'll meet lots of good people here and do feel free to ask all the questions you have. I'm like you when it comes to sleeping patterns. I can easily stay up all night and feel fine, but when I get tired, I get really tired! Don't push yourself so hard during treatment, your body requires the rest more than ever. I'm sure the issues you're experiencing with your skin are due to the Ribavirin. It's well known for drying out your skin and causes more than it's share of itching and rashes. Be very cautious when you're out in the sun. Ribavirin can and does cause problems with sun sensitivity. You can use sun screen, it will help but there is often reactions from just getting too much, regardless of how well you protect yourself. The heat from sun exposure, hot showers, physical exertion, can all cause heat reactions from Ribavirin. So limit your time out in it and even in the shower, try to use cooler temperatures and sometimes showering every other day will help reduce some of the skin problems. One other thing is vitally important. Wear good UV protective sun glasses. Ribavirin can affect your eyes just as hard as it affects your skin.

You may want to utilize some of that convalescent leave if you can get approved for it! After all, it's free leave if they'll approve it! You're going to experience a lot of fatigue while you're going through this and over doing it can be harmful, especially when you experience the over heating that often accompanies it. You don't want to push yourself so hard that you start having some medical problems. It might be a very good idea to share this with your CO or section leader. You're going to need to be careful while you're going through this. It's very important that you hydrate during treatment. You should easily be drinking 3-4 liters of water and if you're working out hard everyday, you'll need to drink that much extra. Failing to do that will add more skin problems, so be very aware of it.

There will be lots of good ideas coming your way. Feel free to keep the questions coming. If you would also add some information to your signature line, it will help us to understand you a little better, especially when replying to your posts. Things like genotype, recent lab results, etc. (look at ours for ideas) will help a lot. I look forward to hearing from you soon!




68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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XDSub wrote:

Last thing, I am military and am worried about appearing sick/over tired at work. I dont want to explain to the masses that I am going through treatment etc. I am not sure that the severity of the treatment warrants something like convalescent leave but boy would I rather be at home resting and trying to make the best of the treatment as possible hoping for SVR! I am not sure what to do really, but I am dreading 630am/Physical Training. I cant wrestle around with my kids for more than 15 minutes before feeling exhausted. It is a little overwhelming to think of a 4 mile run. Especially when sleep is so hard to find. 

I'd love to tell you that you will feel fine soon but I simply don't know that.  The tx regime you are on can be rough.  Given that you are having serious fatigue, some depression, and sleep deprivation issues, combined with the fact that your work requires so much of you physically,  it wouldn't be a bad idea to explore options for taking a leave.

Also, you may not be able to keep your tx under wraps but you have a better chance of not having the whole base discussing it if you can keep a low profile (take some time off) while you are treating.  Not to mention Riba and firearms don't really mix.  <just kidding, sort of>

I don't know much about how the military works for medical leaves or for keeping medical issues private.  Can you tell us more about that?  


Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.


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Michael I too deal with memory problems (brain fog) and insomnia.  I don't discuss it with my co-workers but I'm sure they are aware I have problems.  It's only been in the recent years I've had sleeping issues.   This may be in part because I care give for my elderly mother who lives with us.  She is up frequently at night,  Sometimes I sleep thru it, other times not.  These meds can also cause insomnia, they definitely did for me.  Sleep apnea is often a contributor to poor sleep. Ask your wife if she sees you have irregular breathing while sleeping.  If so, you may need a CPAP.  

Good luck on you tx this is a good combo with high success rates.  It's commonly known that Riba can cause short temper, frustration, and anger outbursts. Try to be patient.  Sometimes it's very hard.  Would it be possible to take a medical leave of absence?  Maybe get with your doc to discuss this?  Perhaps light duty while on tx?  Hoping and praying this works out for you.  Are you on 12 weeks?

And oh btw, welcome to the forum.  Lot's of great folks here.  Very knowledgeable and willing to share.  Be well sir.


Not sure what happened to my post, first few lines were cut off?  reason for edit

-- Edited by Groupergetter on Wednesday 18th of June 2014 12:41:25 AM

-- Edited by Groupergetter on Wednesday 18th of June 2014 12:43:33 AM


1b  Int/Riba relapse @ 48 weeks.  Stop tx Peg Int/Riba 12 weeks ill. Relapse S/O 6/23/14 :(   Started Harvoni 11/12/14  EOT 4/28/15.  EOT+4 UND :)  SVR! 8/4/15  :)     Thankful for every morning.


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31 y/o Male Geno 1A (since birth) 

I did Peg/Riba in 2005 and was a partial responder. (18 months of treatment)

Pre-treatment my VL was around 88 million, but thankfully I am type 1 stage 1. 


A few questions:

1) My whole life I have had some strange memory issues and sleeping problems. Mainly I have a horrible memory, cant remember what year things happened in, or any names of teachers in high school, all sorts of stuff. My Doc seems to think that it may be a side effect of the virus. Did anyone else experience this before SVR? Has it changed post treatment/UD? I am also a sleep procrastinator, just would rather stay up until I feel tired/a serious night owl. Has anyone else experience this? Pre/Post treatment? How else did your life change post treatment? Any good surprises?

2) So far side effects have been some serious fatigue (feel like im wearing a weight vest) but im still having trouble sleeping/falling asleep even though I am beat. Additionally Im parched inside and out (dont worry, drinking lots of water) and my skin is starting to dry/get itchy. Lastly I am a grouch! I have 3 small children and pride myself in patience, but lately it has been thin and a little depressed. Are these normative?

3) Last thing, I am military and am worried about appearing sick/over tired at work. I dont want to explain to the masses that I am going through treatment etc. I am not sure that the severity of the treatment warrants something like convalescent leave but boy would I rather be at home resting and trying to make the best of the treatment as possible hoping for SVR! I am not sure what to do really, but I am dreading 630am/Physical Training. I cant wrestle around with my kids for more than 15 minutes before feeling exhausted. It is a little overwhelming to think of a 4 mile run. Especially when sleep is so hard to find.


Thank you!



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