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RE: Epcluser's Corner

Found this Epclusa factsheet and thought it was a good resource.

TAG - Epclusa 



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Hey Liz and Ruby,

Time is going by quickly, 2 down 1 to go! I'm amazed at the effectiveness of this drug combo and the ease of it on the patient, while absolutely destroying the virus. Doesn't seem like it has a chance and that is beyond COOL smile

I have faith that the fatigue (desire to find the nearest recliner) will diminish. If you're like me, you'll go from needing a nap to just enjoying one! By curing this disease we give ourselves more quality years to enjoy those naps and anything else we choose! Since it took us years or decades to get to this point, it takes awhile to see the improvements we seek. Things begin to heal, knowing that gives us hope!



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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It is worth the wait Canuck! biggrin

I still feel like I could sleep all the time. It was like this before treatment too. It may be getting a little better though. It is my favorite thing to do, and looking back, it has been like that for awhile. I am glad it is better for you Canuck! I am sure i will start to not need as much down time soon. 

It still amazes me how different parts of the body get better so fast with these drugs! 



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Hey Phoenix and Ruby,

Wow - about 3/4 of the way through now! (for the both you you)! Last bottle #3 eh! How time has flown, at least, as it feels for me! You are both nearly there, approaching the finish line (and the winner's circle)!

Sheesh I NEVER even got OFFERED a third bottle! A measely 2 bottles was all I was gunna get - (that "little dab 'il do ya" theory) in my trial, and my short 8 week course worked superbly for this ole 3a! (OK, OK, they evened it out, upped the ante a bit by throwing in that added vox, but still .... I know dang well I was cured long before the 8 weeks was up)!!

You two (I am sure) were cured long ago!! But, the firm rules say, it's "one more round for my friends here", to comply with the "use deadly force" rule and the "shoot to kill" law. 

I still "nap" too, but NOT like before!!, I am evolving out of it, and  it is still evolving - it WAS alarming, the amount of down time I was doing in the past, especially at it's height during treatment! I didn't think it was even humanly possible, to have to sleep that way, unless one had narcolepsy! I am glad that has changed radically for me and is improving.

Nice to hear about that mysterious disappearing act abd. pain thing going on for you Phoenix! I too revel at a couple changes I think I have detected! The longer it goes on, the absence of them, the more convinced I am it is very true, that with my cure, things are starting to right themselves!

I tell ya, us lucky gals, it's worth the waitin', waitin', waitin'!! biggrin C.



HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.



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Thanks Ruby! One more to go. biggrin


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Hi Phoenix

So happy to hear your're doing well!!



GT2 Diagnosed in 2007 vl 1.88E+1;

2010 vl 9.15E+5 Peg/Riba 2010 24wks: replicated

2014 vl 4.22E+6

2015-03-05 vl 1.53E+6

2016 Fibroscan F4 22.0

Waiting treatment/ On treatment: 14/09/16 Epclusa

10/06/16Fibroscan F4 22.0

Aug/16 ALT 72/ AST 50

On treatment; Epclusa: 4 week VL results: UNDETECTED  (ALT:26)


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Just checking in. Tonight I start my 3rd and last bottle of Epclusa. Yay! Most of the time I am feeling pretty good. The lower belly pain I have had for a long time is gone. There is a twinge every now and then, but it is a huge difference! I am still feeling tired, although there are times where I do have more energy than before treatment. Today was a nap day though. yawn  I love naps!!

I am so happy to hear about everyone's und and svr's . It is encouraging. Keep it coming! 




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Hey Pablo,

That's great to hear! I wondered what happened to you this week. Figured you must be out celebrating, ha, ha! Spending time with your family sounds pretty special. I hope you all enjoyed your time together.

I'm pleased to know that you're feeling all these improvements. That's the encouraging news everyone enjoys. So welcome back from your family excursion and we all look forward to your next bit of good news! SVR 24!! Let us know...



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Hello all

I've been away for a bit...took my son to see my parents for half term.

I've lost track of the weeks at this stage but I know I have my EOT+24 VL coming soon.  I am not worried about it because I can tell by how well my body feels that it's worked.

I had a few rough weeks after stopping treatment when I had liver pains, which had me worried, but in recent weeks I must profess that I haven't felt as good as this in years.  I've got back problems and a few minor non-HCV-related issues but overall my body feels so clean...

...I've even toyed with going to the gym, something I haven't felt able to do in years.  Oh, on second  thoughts, scratch that...I can think of far more interesting things to do.

Anyway, thought I'd check in.



44 y.o. male, HCV G4 since 1996, F-scan score 9, F2, Failed prior I/R, finished sof/vel/vox 8 weeks 5/16, pre-treatment VL 2 million, EOT UND, EOT+4 UND, EOT+12 UND.

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Hi Canuck - Thanks for the info! Glad to hear that those things resolved themselves for you! I have had joint pain in various places in the last 5 years or so. I would be ready to go tho the doctor for it, when it would just go away. Of course looking back I believe it was from the hep c. My hep doc said that the ankle problem could be from from the hep. I sure hope so!!! The swelling has gone down, but still having pain. I know losing weight will be a big help too! Working on that as well. biggrin

It is interesting to look back and know a lot of how we were feeling is a result of years of having hep c. For me it is 36. 

How are your kidneys doing now? Better I hope.

I am so thankful to be an this treatment! Hopefully all these things will disappear for good for all of us!



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Hey Phoenix,

I meant to get back to you about this ...

... "Ankle pain and a bit swollen still. The swelling has gotten better since starting Epclusa. That's what brought me to the doctor in the first place" ...

For what it's worth, I slowly started to develop mysterious pedal/ankle edema, off and on over the last decade or so, especially the last 5 years, and never understood it, (but, of course in retrospect, I had been packin' undiagnosed HCV for 40+years, and now consider this as a possible "related" reason). But who knows! My ankle edema never really made much sense to me, it did not "add up" in relation to any "reasoning" for it, aging, past ankle injuries, menopause, salt intake, nothing seemed to fully explain it, fluctuating randomly, not really well-entrenched nor well-associated with anything, such a familial cardiovascular reasons, nor did it really have any response to reducing sodium intake, massage, elevation, exercise, it would just come and go, willy nilly, no real rhyme or reason, it became more frequent the last 5 years - never with any real discomfort attached to it tho. I had a pair of well-worn, hard-done-by kidneys that I wondered about, but they too can regenerate quite well/markedly, from years of pyelonephritis insults, and (during my trial) were found to be functioning really quite adequately, thank-you very much. My last IVP must have been 20 years ago and showed some kinda sclerosed hardened up wisen things, and one had decided to detach itself in protest to forever slide and flop around down in my pelvis! That seemed to not be a factor.

I had quite a few bouts of ankle edema especially the last year before treatment. I had, over the years stopped complaining so much to the GP's I saw, about the many differing things that were bothering me, as it never helped me, nor did it add up for them either! - more than a couple times i would just get the smoking lecture and/or be offered anti-depressants anyway! Man! I am happy to say, starting during treatment and after (now EOT+24) I have not seen any edema (so far, fingers crossed)!! So ... I will see how this goes. I had a couple of other mysterious things pleasantly/recently disappear too, so ... the jury is still out on all of these things. Maybe (I hope) the LACK OF my pedal edema will now remain the tendency for me, and perhaps this will be the same for you too! Ruling out "the simple", like just being subjected to HCV for a long time and coupled with possibly being "harder on your joints than you thought"? (given you do have some joint discomfort associated with it) might explain it? - I hope and trust that you are right, and that it will just nicely vapourize, right along with your "velparized" virus! If it continues, then less likely rule-outs would be arthritis(s), gout and such (blood tests). Where are you at with boney/musculo-skeletal and joint strength and past injuries?

I betting on it, that it is just going to vapourize, for me and you! smile C. 


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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Razor Blade wrote:

Hi All,

Quick 7 week update, feeling much better, have increased H2O intake to 3/4 lts a day ( i know, i can hear you all, told you so).
LFT yesterday AST 38 ALT 22 !
Question, my AST is always higher than ALT, i see in most cases its the other way round ! Any ideas?
Also my Doc has told me to get Hep A & B vaccines, is this ok whilst on treatment ?

Thanks and take care.

 Hi RB, just doing a spot of catching up here and good to see your update! 

Your liver enzyme levels are looking good and your ALT of 22 is great, and indicates that the level of inflammation in your liver has gone down a lot.  You mentioned on an earlier post that you have compensated cirrhosis and I would say that is the reason why your AST numbers are always higher than your ALT, that`s very usual with cirrhosis. 

I would follow your doctor`s advice about the Hep A and B vaccines, it`s important to get them done. 

Keep us updated and best of luck, you`re well on track!  smile




(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.



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I did that also Eric. You should not have a problem. My specialty pharmacy took down all the info, and told me that it would go thru without any issues.


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Thanks! I'll keep everyone posted.

Also, wanted to drop this link here in case it might be helpful for others. It is a manufacturer co-pay assistance coupon. I am going to attempt to use it and will report back if successful:


-- Edited by EricChuckFar1 on Friday 28th of October 2016 09:25:41 PM


Diagnosed on Oct 06, 2016. Initial VL: 3 million, ALT: 20, AST: 26. Elevated Bilirubin. Genotype: 2

Started Epclusa Nov 20, 2016.

UND at 4 weeks. Und at 12 weeks.

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Congratulations on being approved Eric! You should talk to your doctor about waiting to start. Whatever you decide to do, you have to feel comfortable with it.  Great news!

Canuck - I will never go anywhere without water, I will never go anywhere without water. I have to write this 100 times so i won't forget. nod.gif



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Hey Eric,

Big congrats on getting the epclusa approval for your GT2! Answer to question about no subtype will be found with your doc. Epclusa is "pan", you can pretty well disregard the importance of being a 2, 2a, 2b (or being any other GT for that matter) when taking epclusa. smile C.

Link - http://hcvadvocate.org/hepatitis/factsheets_pdf/genotype.pdf


Re: Higher AST than ALT? Likely just part and parcel of you and your HCV. Looked up a reference to higher AST's and only see "alcohol-induced (type) hepatitis", in which you may see AST's signalling twice as high than the ALT's, so, it is likely your enzyme levels are just what your enzymes levels are! - they are normal! THEY ARE GREAT! As great as your VL is! Your ALT and AST both crashed to be within normal limits within the first 3 weeks, and have remained crashed.

Re: A/B immunization - I was advised/helped to ensure i had immunity to A/B ASAP (no one wants to run any risk of any other insult to the liver). Flu and pneumoncoccal immunizations were also recommended as well. The same also applied identically to my partner. I started the "series" of A/B, prior to treatment, and the "series" had to run through my HCV treatment - I was instructed that being on HCV treatment was NO obstacle to being immunized. Rather, the emphasis was put on ensuring we both had sufficient existing A/B immunity titres, or, gained it ASAP, for my own protection. Both of our A/B titres were tested first, then immunization(s) commenced.

Water. smile C.

Oh poor Phoenix,

Why did you have to be the example for us, dry swallowing pills, you were probably just trying to be super good and "on time", and most unfortunately had to pay the penalty - another "water, water everywhere" lesson - really too bad, that "worse than a bad taste" in your mouth! Poor thing, but thanks eh, better you than me!!  You did everyone a big favour, !! - never, never take pills without lots and lots of H20 (hear that Razor)?? I learned another good one from Loopy Lisa, never drop your dacla into the toilet, as that may not be the kind of water you would wish for. smile C. 

Sheesh, I have to memorize all these lessons, like the good one SF told us " don't do what i did" - waiting, instead of presenting yourself to ER with cardiovascular symptoms. smile C.


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.



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Hi all!

Looks like I'll be joining you in Epcluser's corner as well! I was just notified today that I have been approved already. Only question is when to start the treatment. I have a 3 week long vacation planned next month for a friend's destination wedding, so I am tempted to wait until after (timing will be hard otherwise). In the meantime, I will avoid alcohol and other potential strains on the liver!


Diagnosed on Oct 06, 2016. Initial VL: 3 million, ALT: 20, AST: 26. Elevated Bilirubin. Genotype: 2

Started Epclusa Nov 20, 2016.

UND at 4 weeks. Und at 12 weeks.

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A piece of advice for Epclusers. Take with water!!! I had to take mine tonight in the car without anything to drink. IT TASTES AWFUL!!! The pill sat in my mouth for longer than I wanted. Yuck, It's a hour later and I swear I can still taste it. bleh.gif

Don't make the same mistake that I did!  smile


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Yeah, welcome to Epcluser's Cornersmile

I am another who take my epclusa in the evening, 7pm as well.  I did with prior treatment also, it works for me. I also reiterate the sides are minimal.  Hydration is the key for sure. I picture myself detoxing the demon virus.

I'm sure you will do just fine!!



GT2 Diagnosed in 2007 vl 1.88E+1;

2010 vl 9.15E+5 Peg/Riba 2010 24wks: replicated

2014 vl 4.22E+6

2015-03-05 vl 1.53E+6

2016 Fibroscan F4 22.0

Waiting treatment/ On treatment: 14/09/16 Epclusa

10/06/16Fibroscan F4 22.0

Aug/16 ALT 72/ AST 50

On treatment; Epclusa: 4 week VL results: UNDETECTED  (ALT:26)


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Just checking in... I am halfway done with treatment, Started week 7 tonight. Still feeling tired a lot, but I am actually getting things done that I have been putting off for a while. Tired, but a little more energy. Hmmm doesn't make sense, but there it is! confuse  Ankle pain and a bit swollen still. The swelling has gotten better since starting Epclusa. That's what brought me to the doctor in the first place. I may have to go to a specialist for that if it doesn't feel better soon. My hep doc said it may be due to the hep c, so I just wanted to wait it out. I have had similar pain in the past in my knee and shoulder that went away, so I am hoping it will resolve itself. Other than that feeling great and ready to handle the next 6 weeks. Not much to handle as it has been a pretty easy ride so far. 

Glad to hear your feeling better RB! The water does help, doesn't it? Although going to the bathroom a billion times a day is a pain. Gladly do it though!



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Hi All,

Quick 7 week update, feeling much better, have increased H2O intake to 3/4 lts a day ( i know, i can hear you all, told you so).
LFT yesterday AST 38 ALT 22 !
Question, my AST is always higher than ALT, i see in most cases its the other way round ! Any ideas?
Also my Doc has told me to get Hep A & B vaccines, is this ok whilst on treatment ?

Thanks and take care.


Geno 3. TX fail 2010

7/9/16 generic Epclusa. vl 1,730,000. ast 93,alt 81.alp 43.

23/9 ast 37 alt 33. 

29/9 ast 35 alt 31.

10/10 vl undetected,ast 49 alt 48 ggt 72 wbc 3700 

22/10 ast 38 alt 22. VL undetected down to below 12 IU/ml.

15/11 AST 38 ALT 23 GGT 40

24/10 AST 31 ALT 26 GGT 44 



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Sanuk-Sanan   I take mine at 7pm every night. I have had very few side effects from it. I do drink water quite a bit at night, and having to get up in the middle of the night to use to bathroom is kind of a pain, but it is working for me. Whenever you decide, drink lot's of water!



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Do you have a specialty pharmacy? If so, that is your number!




Harvoni TX 2 12 weeks. UND weeks 4, 12 and now EOT + 4 Weeks. SVR-12 09/29/16. All Glory, Honor and Thanks be to God.

"I go to war with the brothers I trust."


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Awesome, thank you Jimmy K and Cannuk! I'm not sure I'll sleep through Epclusa, as it's sounding like staying hydrated is important.  I'll see how it goes.

Still no word on the drug delivery (though it might be at home waiting for me) or blood draws or any other dr visits. Unfortunately I don't even know who to call disbelief.  My Gas/hep-ologist's office isn't real communicative.  Not at all like my oncologist. It's a little frustrating, though I expect that the gastro/hep-ologist's office is more "normal" and my Onc's office is extraordinary!  

After the drugs arrive I'm to call my onc's office as the clock to begin a clinical starts then. I'll call the Gast/hep-ologist's office then, too.  Unfortunately I've blown through all the FDA approved meds for melanoma and yet I still have melanoma.  So a clinical trial is the only way to access any kind of systemic treatment.  But I have to be out of any treatment to start any trial, so the 12 weeks of Epclusa become a bit of a timed hold in the process.  After the 12 weeks, then we'll see where the melanoma trail world is (it might have changed!) and go from there. Fortunately, my lung tumor seems to be growing very slowly, so far.  We'll check again in Dec. and make sure it's still there and hasn't been joined by any friends.

Yes, I only found out about HCV because of joining a clinical trial (maybe this saves my life?). I was tested for all the Heps as a part of the bench marking / application process to get in the trial.  It wasn't happy news, getting kicked out of the trial and finding out I had HCV, but it seems like in the end it may turn out for the best.  I'm grateful.

Thanks again for all your help and advice!



GT 2b;

Oct 2016 F0/1; TX 12 week Epclusa; UND at SOT +4



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Check and conform drug interactions. If none, the yes! Sleep your way to The Cure!




Harvoni TX 2 12 weeks. UND weeks 4, 12 and now EOT + 4 Weeks. SVR-12 09/29/16. All Glory, Honor and Thanks be to God.

"I go to war with the brothers I trust."


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You asked  - "... in the evening and then "slept" through the more miserable parts of the side effects.  Is this a good strategy for Epclusa?..."  

I think so ... why not?, you tried to make this work for you before (taking "other" meds in evening to sleep through any possible sides), so, no harm in trying to take epclusa in evening either, for same "preventative" reasoning, but, you might not get ANY or many sides with it (some have not detected ANY sides whatsoever, others have) - so, no harm trying to sleep through "possible sides" that may or may not materialze.

Taking them at the same time every day is important tho, and keeping yourself well hydrated with adequate water will be key. 

What LFT's and VL draws have been set up for you for while you are on epclusa? 

Hope you get the drugs delivered soon! Did you phone somebody to check up on it? smile C.


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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Greetings friends!

I've been approved for Epclusa and am waiting for it to be delivered.

I have wondered if there is a a better time to take it.  I've got late stage cancer, and with some of the chemos I've been on, I took them in the evening and then "slept" through the more miserable parts of the side effects.  Is this a good strategy for Epclusa?  Or are the side effects so minimal it doesn't matter?

Thanks for your help!



GT 2b;

Oct 2016 F0/1; TX 12 week Epclusa; UND at SOT +4



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Hey Ivery,

Glad for your update. I trust you will soon be back to your "controlled" diet again, after all that stellar wgt. loss and work on your physique you did prior! Once you got all nice and svelte like that, I am sure without the HCV, you will be back to working on good health in every way! 

Tell me something ... how long do you think it took you, to completely stop feeling the effects of that month of riba (once you got switched over to the epclusa) , just curious.

So ... what VL's and LFT's were planned for you then, just one at EOT?, and then perhaps EOT+12 weeks, and then EOT +24 weeks?  - I hope so.

I am kind of disappointed they did not do a 4 week VL and LFT's on you. But, as you can see, everyone on epclusa is doing just great! Only 3 weeks to go! Nice. biggrin C.


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.





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Boo! Boo! wink 

Consume everything in moderation, except BBQ Brisket! Don't go crazy on sweets! Use your best judgement and take care of yourself. Diet is very important, as is hydration. 



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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It is a good reminder Jimmyk. You are right. I am working on cutting sugar from my diet. It's hard, but it can be done. 



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I recognize how easy it is to give into temptation. We all do.

At the same time I would like to gently remind the friends that there is a connection between Sugar and Dehydration. At this point, during treatment, with Hydration being such an important factor, it is wise at least to remember this.

I know I know, I will probably geed booed of the thread. no


But it still is true. wink




Harvoni TX 2 12 weeks. UND weeks 4, 12 and now EOT + 4 Weeks. SVR-12 09/29/16. All Glory, Honor and Thanks be to God.

"I go to war with the brothers I trust."


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Thanks Tig, makes sense i suppose !


Geno 3. TX fail 2010

7/9/16 generic Epclusa. vl 1,730,000. ast 93,alt 81.alp 43.

23/9 ast 37 alt 33. 

29/9 ast 35 alt 31.

10/10 vl undetected,ast 49 alt 48 ggt 72 wbc 3700 

22/10 ast 38 alt 22. VL undetected down to below 12 IU/ml.

15/11 AST 38 ALT 23 GGT 40

24/10 AST 31 ALT 26 GGT 44 





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Hi Ian,

You're experiencing a well known side effect of these newest DAA's, the dreaded (?) sweet tooth! We have dozens if not hundreds of first hand experiences right here on our pages. It's up to you to control it as best you can. Sugars and carbs are processed through the liver, which does place additional strain on it. Both of them are part of most people's diets, save the ones that have sworn off sugar for good. I don't know how easy that would be for you, but at the very least, keep the intake down as much as possible. I don't think giving in to the occasional sweet treat will present you with any problems though. A big and delicious hot fudge sundae or banana split may be the little piece of sweet Heaven your sweet tooth desires!! Be sure to keep up on a balanced diet and lots of water. The desire for sweets will diminish after you've had time to clear the drugs from your system and start the recovery process.

Here's something to get you going: biggrin (forgive me, lol)

ice cream.jpg



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Sweet tooth.....should you not eat sweet ?


Geno 3. TX fail 2010

7/9/16 generic Epclusa. vl 1,730,000. ast 93,alt 81.alp 43.

23/9 ast 37 alt 33. 

29/9 ast 35 alt 31.

10/10 vl undetected,ast 49 alt 48 ggt 72 wbc 3700 

22/10 ast 38 alt 22. VL undetected down to below 12 IU/ml.

15/11 AST 38 ALT 23 GGT 40

24/10 AST 31 ALT 26 GGT 44 



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Glad to hear things are going well! I have always had a sweet tooth, so I know how you feel! biggrin


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Hey guys, nothing new going on in my treatment. I got 3 weeks or so left on treatment. 0 side effects except increase in a little weight. Still struggling with the sweet tooth. No blood work since last Dr visit .


Genotype 3  f2     vl 18,216,000. Hcv 7.260.  Alt 232. Fibrosis score 0.56. Necroinfl score 0.89    necroinfl grade a-3   sot 8-17-16 epclusa

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Hi Canuck - My AST was 48 and ALT was 68. My Doc didn't run new numbers on those, just the VL. My Fiborscan score is F3/ kpa of 10. I wish I could see new numbers of the ast and alt. They were not that high to begin with. 

have a great night everyone!


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Canuck's description of logs is more accurate than mine, mathematically-speaking.  


44 y.o. male, HCV G4 since 1996, F-scan score 9, F2, Failed prior I/R, finished sof/vel/vox 8 weeks 5/16, pre-treatment VL 2 million, EOT UND, EOT+4 UND, EOT+12 UND.


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Ah, the velpa nation, doing so good!

Phoenix, 22 mil to 36? - ppppht!! Easy peasy, it's a done deal girl. From 36, to "fried", will take about another another millisecond, what will you do with all the remaining weeks of treatment! What were your before and after ALT's/LFT's again??

Allison, Wonderful! - and not just that 4 week PCR, but that you started off with low LFT levels and F0!! Ideal! It is nice, even though your pre-treatment ALT would be considered to be within normal range, with treatment, you show a nice ALT drop to 19 - all really good news!

Razor,  Good going! From  1.7+ mil to >12!! Stellar. You asked about logs? VIRAL LOAD - CONVERSION TO "LOG"  Re: how you are feeling, are you keeping yourself super-well watered, fed and rested??

Hey, you guys need more info put into your sig lines, really good info but one has to scroll for it.

So nice to see, everybody is getting velparized!! Ruby too, showing her beauty ALT tonight!!

I will sleep very well tonight, thinking about my gang out there, killing off the foes. biggrin C.


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.



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Thanks Pablito! You have made me feel A LOT better on how things are going.

Thanks Ruby, those little guys are so cute!


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36 is great.  I was 246 at week 4.  You'll get SVR for sure.

Log, to put it simply, is basically the number of zeros after a number.  For example, a drop from a VL of 2000 to 200 is a one log drop.


44 y.o. male, HCV G4 since 1996, F-scan score 9, F2, Failed prior I/R, finished sof/vel/vox 8 weeks 5/16, pre-treatment VL 2 million, EOT UND, EOT+4 UND, EOT+12 UND.

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clap.gif handshake.gifsun.gif


GT2 Diagnosed in 2007 vl 1.88E+1;

2010 vl 9.15E+5 Peg/Riba 2010 24wks: replicated

2014 vl 4.22E+6

2015-03-05 vl 1.53E+6

2016 Fibroscan F4 22.0

Waiting treatment/ On treatment: 14/09/16 Epclusa

10/06/16Fibroscan F4 22.0

Aug/16 ALT 72/ AST 50

On treatment; Epclusa: 4 week VL results: UNDETECTED  (ALT:26)


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Thanks Tig and Allison! I know that SVR will happen in the end. When I told my daughter, she had a big smile on her face and said "It's working so well!" That along with everyone's encouragement has made me feel better.

Great to see you here Allison! Weird that you couldn't use the name you wanted. I hope you are managing the Epclusa better!





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Hey Liz, 

Don't sweat the 36, there are people that are detected at EOT and still achieve SVR. The days of old when an RVR was important have passed. It's nice to see it on paper but it doesn't change the high rates of success if it takes a little longer. I'll go so far as to say that were you to have the test repeated on Monday, it would be undetected. 36 is nothing... You should be celebrating and riding high on this great news! I'm thrilled for you!!!!! wink



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

Hep C FAQ   Lab Ref. Ranges  HCV Resistance

Signature Line Set Up/Abbreviations   Payment Assistance



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Phoenix and Razor - congrats to you both. These are huge accomplishments in your treatment. Phoenix, I am mw2324 but couldn't use that name for some reason so I changed it. Do not get discouraged, your numbers are still fantastic and you will be undetected. Not everyone is undetected at 4 weeks but still beat this in the end. 

Canuck- to give you some additional background on me, I am 30 yrs old and was infected 10 years ago. My beginning viral load was 49,190. AST 23 and ALT 31 at beginning of treatment. Liver at F0. After 4 weeks, ALT and AST are both at 19. Epclusa hasn't exactly been a walk in the park for me but it is manageable.


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Thanks Ruby! It is a huge drop, but I guess my expectations were high, so it frustrates me a little. Thanks for the encouragement! I needed that today. hmm

You are right, there is a battle being won!!!

RB - That is a plain old 36. Not 36,000,000 (Thank goodness!)


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Good Morning Phoenix

Don't you dare get discouraged, don't give it one negative thought! We are all different and will receive our UNDETECTED report at different times that's not to say that it's negative thing.  YOU'VE GOT THIS GIRL!!

Chin up, there's a battle being won number1.gif


GT2 Diagnosed in 2007 vl 1.88E+1;

2010 vl 9.15E+5 Peg/Riba 2010 24wks: replicated

2014 vl 4.22E+6

2015-03-05 vl 1.53E+6

2016 Fibroscan F4 22.0

Waiting treatment/ On treatment: 14/09/16 Epclusa

10/06/16Fibroscan F4 22.0

Aug/16 ALT 72/ AST 50

On treatment; Epclusa: 4 week VL results: UNDETECTED  (ALT:26)



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Hi Phoenix,

With such a high starting point, i think it looks good, but is your current VL 36 0r 36,000,000.

Your going in the right direction !


Geno 3. TX fail 2010

7/9/16 generic Epclusa. vl 1,730,000. ast 93,alt 81.alp 43.

23/9 ast 37 alt 33. 

29/9 ast 35 alt 31.

10/10 vl undetected,ast 49 alt 48 ggt 72 wbc 3700 

22/10 ast 38 alt 22. VL undetected down to below 12 IU/ml.

15/11 AST 38 ALT 23 GGT 40

24/10 AST 31 ALT 26 GGT 44 




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Agreed - all I know about this hep doc is that he moves from office to office, which was their explanation as to why I am unable to see him until the 19th.  I find it fishy too, believe me.  Guess I'll have to be paranoid until then..

Genotype 3a Started Epclusa August 2016

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Thanks Canuck, that was awesome! Congrats RB!!!!!!

I did get my labs back this morning. Not happy that it did not come back UD. I have 36 stragglers left to contend with. Started with a VL of  22006116. I know I should be happy that it was such a huge drop, but to tell you the truth I was expecting a big fat 0. Still have 2 more months to kick the pesky 36 out!!! I don't think my doc ordered any other blood work, so I will have to wait on that. A little scared this morning to tell you the truth. 

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