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Post Info TOPIC: Day 10 of Sov/dak: Nice to see you again, brain!

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Day 10 of Sov/dak: Nice to see you again, brain!

Great to hear your treatment is going well, Juliet. I'll be keeping an eye on your progress and will be starting my own treatment very soon as well. Keep it up!


Diagnosed on Oct 06, 2016. Initial VL: 3 million, ALT: 20, AST: 26. Elevated Bilirubin. Genotype: 2

Started Epclusa Nov 20, 2016.

UND at 4 weeks. Und at 12 weeks.


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So great to hear/read about your transformation.  I live in a clutter world also. I make assembled  art stuff, and masks etc, and I also paint so......I collect everything from dolls and broken toys to snake skin and dragonflies and bird skulls.

 As soon as someone comes in my house I say " I make art and I think dusting or vacuuming is a waste of art making time. Feel free to draw in the dust but don't date it."

Anyhoo, you have a clean studio and a clear brain YAY!! I'm really happy for you.



61 y/o, Infected via transfusion Oct'83, GT-1a, F-4 cirrhotic,
tx Holkira pak/moderiba 12 weeks

4 years.... successful dragon slayer 


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Great news Juliet,

I am glad those symptoms are subsiding and hopefully will not come back to bother you again. These are good posts to read.




65 yo, GT1A, , Cirrhosis, F-Scan F4 33.5, TX Naive Harvoni 12 wks

SOT 2/9/16 / ALT 187 AST 114 VL 2.3M.    POSTS

EOT 5/2/16  ALT 35/ AST/25  platlets 126 C/B VL UND

EOT +12 7/26/16  ALT 25 /AST 22/ ALP 83  platlets 129 C/B VL UND

EOT + 24 10/18/16 ALT 27/ AST 20/ ALP 71 platlets 153 C UND

 * SVR *


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Clutter! You should see MY place! (No one does, i don't let them in anymore)!! It's insurmountable (literally!), beyond fixing. They will send me off to the looney-bin for dust bunny and cat fur-ball hoarding (the cat died quite a while back), I collect things, get rid of nothing, always meaning to get back to sorting it, but ... you know the drill - my house looks like the site of that "mass murdering" that Jimmy (hee hee) was describing. (Jimmy I agree BTW).

But I am so glad and relieved to hear your positive report Julia!

I hear you! About people not hearing you when you are telling them, somethings wrong, that you are NOT just fine!! Tried that for the last couple decades with my docs, closest i got was a mono-test and FBS's, boy, I wish I had not been so stupid, and knew enough to diagnose myself! Then I coulda just told them, look for HCV!

Cleaned, de-fogged windows - a lovely view for you Julia. biggrin C. 


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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HI Syd, well I'm not exactly tidy by nature. I was the slob in a family of neatniks. It is a bit of a curse because I want to live in a neat, uncluttered environment like the one I grew up in while my natural tendency is to create disorder. I have to work extra hard to stay ahead of the looming clutter, and "working extra hard" is not part of the Hep C vocabulary. A difficult thing with Hep C or any chronic disease is that it can take away the things that define us. I get really frustrated with the myth that Hep C patients are just fine for 25 - 30+ years until possible liver damages occur. Although I was lucky to be diagnosed in a relatively early stage, I have definitely not been "just fine."


HCV genotype 3b, started my 12 weeks of Sovaldi/Daklinza on 10/15/16.
Probably infected 1 - 2 years ago, viral load 800,000, fibrosis stage 0.


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Wow, great news Juliet. The way Jimmy K explains it makes sense. What a great journey you're having. Personally I'd love to be able to blame my disorganisation and lack of interest in housework on Hep C but for me I think it's genetic. Doesn't matter how much energy I have, it's not something I'm good at starting. All my kids are the same, so is my sister but one of her three children keeps her room spotless, her desk and music organised. hence my belief that it's a dominant gene.

Anyway sure sounds as though you are normally tidy and now you have the energy to get back to your normal habits. 




Contracted Hep C 1969. Genome Type 2, treatment naive. Began 12 week RIBA/sof/Dac on 12/11/15. Cirrhosis. VL before treatment 4m. Treatment extended another 12 weeks without Riba. No virus detected at 9 weeks.

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Great Julia! When I was reading your post about cleaning,  that's how I used to feel too. I can relate. The clutter was out of control! biggrin Not any more though. It's slowly improving. Happy that you are getting your energy back. It's a good feeling isn't it? 



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That's great, Juliet.  It's amazing how good normal turns out to be.


GT2a, VL 681,500, Less than F1, Treatment Naive

12 wks Sovaldi/Ribavirin, SOT 2/25/16, EOT 5/17/16

UND at 2,4,8 and 12 wks during treatment but ribavirin crazy.

ALT/AST normal EOT

SVR12 8/13/2016!!!!!!!!!  I WON!!

EOT 6 Months 11/12/2016  CURED



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Personally I believe the first few days is an intense mass murder of the Virus. Let's face it most folks are UND by week four but that is only because that is when they do the blood draw. I don't think UND waits for day 28 to roll around.

When you study the process of replication, that is what has me convinced the very early stages of DAA Treatment is a massive removal of the Virus and they are blocked from replication before they die off.

This I would assume has an effect on how we feel. I could be wrong of course and it is simply my personal feelings but either way, yours is some GREAT NEWS!




Harvoni TX 2 12 weeks. UND weeks 4, 12 and now EOT + 4 Weeks. SVR-12 09/29/16. All Glory, Honor and Thanks be to God.

"I go to war with the brothers I trust."



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Hey Juliet,

Wow! All I can do is echo your closing sentiment, AWESOME!! This is the kind of news we love to hear. Life is already getting better and will continue...



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Hi everyone! Treatment is going really well. I was scared for a bit around day 3; I started getting joint and muscle aches, particularly my back, knees, and thighs. One day 4, I got out of bed and my legs practically collapsed. My back was hurting like a mother, and the pain was traveling up my neck and spawning a headache. That is the worst thing for me; I hate headaches more than any physical symptom. I took my blood pressure, and it was a bit high. Ugh, this is not going to be a fun 12 weeks, I thought.

But then the miracle occurred. At about 5 in the evening, the muscle tension started to drain away. I could feel it happening. The headache, stiffness, and pain all melted off and disappeared. By nightfall, I felt so good I wanted to sing and dance! I have had no recurrence of those symptoms and my blood pressure is back to normal. I still feel slightly tired, as I have in the past when I've taken antibiotics, and I find I need a little more sleep than usual. But I can live with that. Actually, it is a reassuring side effect; I feel like my body is working hard to destroy the virus and therefore needs the extra rest.

And then (day 9), even better, I actually got lots of things done yesterday instead of floating around in a fog all day. It was as if my brain had woken up after a long hibernation. Starting in the afternoon, I was working along as I haven't done for a long time. I have an avocation as a fiber artist, and my desks and worktables had gotten horribly messy. They are all against a wall, and there's tons of stuff that had fallen behind them and between them.  I've lived with that clutter for quite a while, occasionally noticing it and thinking, oh that's gross. But actually cleaning it all up seemed as impossible and forboding as climbing Mt. Everest. Well, yesterday I just went and did it! Dug everything out, vacuumed the carpet and even shampooed some really dirty parts. Cleaned the dusty window ledges and screens and washed the windows. Sorted out stuff on the tabletops, threw away junk, and organized the rest. Seeing all that clean furniture and floor space this morning makes me feel like I'm dreaming. And here I am at 8:30 in the morning already answering emails and posting to this forum, whereas previously I'd be idly internet surfing until at least 11:00am. 

It's an AWESOME feeling.




HCV genotype 3b, started my 12 weeks of Sovaldi/Daklinza on 10/15/16.
Probably infected 1 - 2 years ago, viral load 800,000, fibrosis stage 0.

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