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Checking in

Hi Tig! 

Yes, this forum was like my second home for a number of years back then, and the same for Malcolm.  So many people have come and gone but the forum is still the same safe and welcoming place it ever was, under your very capable leadership! 

My best wishes to all our newer members!  Wishing you good health and happiness!




-- Edited by Cinnamon Girl on Wednesday 3rd of October 2018 09:10:00 AM



(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.





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Posts: 9286

Hello Everyone!

It’s nice to have so many of the old gang mixed with our new. This is exactly what this forum was started to accomplish, 11 years ago! Can you believe that? Incredible stuff, I say!

For those that don’t know, Jill (CG) was the previous owner and Administrator here. Mallani (Malcolm) was a long time Moderator and Hep C guru. They both provided thousands with the best of information and advice. We are truly fortunate to have both of them on our team!

My thanks to all of you for the friendship and the support you ALL provide, by showing up and sharing your time and knowledge. Big thumbs up!

PS: Oscar is a handsome lil man! You have a bit of a glow in your photo together. 



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Hi C!  Hi Scruffy!  Yes, I`m a grandma!!  And to say I`m besotted with this little baby boy is an understatement!! biggrin

He`s my daughter`s first baby and my first grandchild, his name is Oscar, he`s 11 weeks old now... and what a joy for the whole family! 

Good to see a few familiar names here... I must check in more often!  smile



(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.




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Posts: 500

Hiya Mal gotta say you look great. Keep the diet and exercise it fits you well. Good to hear from you.  CG Your pic radiates joy. Give that little bundles feet a tickle for me.


Geno 1a null responder 2004 inter/riba   finished incivek,peg/riba 48 weeks May 17th 2014. undetect weeks 4-12-32.  EOT+7 undetect. EOT+24 SVR!!!!! EOT+!YEAR SVR!!!!


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Hey Hi CG!

Beautiful pics you send us! It kinda says it all. Precious.

Malwear, now you, I love these get together glimpses. 

This is maddening!! that you and Mal look so good, do I have to add "have a baby" (or grandbaby) as the case may be, to my list of "do this and you too then can also look as good as that"! ?

Missing all our heros/buddies and so glad when you visit. smile C.


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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Posts: 5629

Hi Malcolm,

Always good to hear from you, you`re never forgotten!  You`re looking great too!

I agree, thank goodness no-one nowadays has to suffer the dreadful side effects that came with the old Interferon + Ribavirin, what a nightmare that was!  The tx options for HCV have come so far since then!

Do stay in touch, and keep enjoying life!  smile




(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.




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Posts: 1170

Hey you! Surprise!
Looking good... nice new avatar.


in the silence of the woods, you will not be alone- Chief Seattle

60 years on planet, Female, diagnosed 1978 as non-a non-b, VL 8mill+, Fibro f-1f-2, Genotype 1a, treatment naïve....UNTIL 7-01-18  !!!! started Harvoni 12 weeks. :)

4 weeks=UND, 8 weeks=UND, 12 weeks=UND (EOT= 09-23-2018)



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Posts: 9286

Hey Mal,

It’s nice to hear from you, mate! It has been too long. I’m glad to know your heart has recovered from that widowmaker. You never do anything halfway, Brother! I do remember talking with you right after it. That sounded terrible and the rehab about did you in all by itself. Like everyone has said, you’re a fighter and they’re so right. How you managed through years of Interferon and Ribavirin, then the added NS3 for another 6 months, is beyond me. It’s a testament to your strength. You have worked extremely hard for the success you’ve earned, the hard way. Victory is sweet!

You have helped thousands of Hep C Warriors with your friendship and great advice. I continue to field questions on this disease and can’t begin to tell you how often I return to your information for help. You‘re in the HepCFriends Hall of Fame! 

I wish you continued good health and am still waiting to see you playing in the Masters! With your determination and grit, I know you could do it. When you do, I’ll make sure to meet you there this time. I’ll stop in New Orleans and pick up some Beignets on the way! Say hi to Lani for us. 

I just watched the Europeans win the Ryder Cup. That was quite a celebration!



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Nice to meet you mallani. Thanks for your inspiring update!


F, 51, GT3, HCV since 1989, no alcohol since 1999, Fibrosis score F0-1 (.36), VL 216,000, ALT 23, AST 26, Epclusa SOT 7/26/18 EOT 10/18/18. Thank you God. 


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Its great to hear how well you and your liver are doing mallani and I agree with C you look fantastic and healthy. Yay



61 y/o, Infected via transfusion Oct'83, GT-1a, F-4 cirrhotic,
tx Holkira pak/moderiba 12 weeks

4 years.... successful dragon slayer 


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Posts: 3249

HA! ah ha! Thought it was just some wild rumour - but blow me down, it's true! - Mallani you checked in (again). Jeez, it's good to hear from you and that you are checking up on all of us here - all together again for the mo. smile Nice to see that bright shiny MUCH surprizingly younger lookin face ... now, looking healthier is one thing but how did you get to looking younger after this much time? - weird. Wish i could do that! What ... all I have to do is have a heart attack, fight blood sugars and i too could look as good as you? Well, there is hope for me yet that i can look as good as you one day, we have 2 things in common, no HCV and no smoking - I was a chain,chain,chain smoker and i have quit too. So, here's to hoping i end up look as healthy as you one day! Golf is 6?, I thought surely you meant your ALT or A1C was 6!!!! OK - if yer bragging then, what's yer kPa measurements! I may look old and haggard and not very good but man I think my liver is sure looking younger these days, baby soft in fact. 5 years, wow such a long time - time might soften the outline of the blows you had to endure to get cured, but I will never forget those pics of yours, taken while you were trying to get cured - my goodness - the hard way, but done! Just imagine if you had not done everything within your power then, and all along, and now - where would you be (you might easily have NOT been here) and then where would everyone have been without you. Nice ta see yer happy healthy mug. biggrin C. Blab some more will ya - we are all ears.



HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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Posts: 795

Hey, Mallani!  

How good to hear from you. I remember you being here when I went though treatment a couple of years ago.  Your good news is exciting (well, aside from a heart attack!).  But you made it (again) and got better (again) too.  We sure have learned how to be survivors, to endure great discomfort to get to the other side.  I like that part.

I'm glad you quit smoking, that you are eating well, and taking that fine medicine we call exercise. It sure makes a difference, doesn't it. And, that's terrific news that your cirrhosis is fading away! That's encouraging for many folks, I'm sure. Big congratulations to you for taking such a positive hold on your life.  Really, I'm impressed.

Isn't it great that soooo many people are being diagnosed and getting cured - and that ribavirin is all but retired (that was wicked). 

I fell away from the forum a while after SVR, but a friend of mine who became ill (different issue) made me remember how good the help was here, and how little other people, who were trying to understand me, just couldn't. So, I still stop in to give what support I can, including periodic donations to help the friends continue their support.

Captain Tig is still at the wheel with his good advise, continued education, compassion and good humor. Canuck is rocking it, ever curious and supportive, and some pretty swell new members are here.  As much as I don't want the forum to go away, I also hope that this whole HepC business will be over one day and we will become a forum of old friends who check in on each other.

Thanks for doing that, Mallani.  It great encouragement for all.

Best of health and good wishes.



GT2a, VL 681,500, Less than F1, Treatment Naive

12 wks Sovaldi/Ribavirin, SOT 2/25/16, EOT 5/17/16

UND at 2,4,8 and 12 wks during treatment but ribavirin crazy.

ALT/AST normal EOT

SVR12 8/13/2016!!!!!!!!!  I WON!!

EOT 6 Months 11/12/2016  CURED



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Hi guys.

Long time since I posted.

Now 5 years post SVR and virus free. LFT's are normal. Still have followup Ultrasounds every 9 months. All good- no HCC, and my cirrhosis is becoming hard to see.

Apart from a major heart attack just over a year ago, no complaints. I've recovered well, stopped smoking and now eat a healthier diet and continue my cardiac rehab exercise routine.(Golf Handicap now 6)

I've just had a followup gastrscopy and colonoscopy. all normal. My Hepatologist has now cleared his books. Before Australia allowed access to the new DAA's, he had many patients who had failed the old treatments, particularly the Geno 3's, who were often cirrhotic. All his patients have achieved SVR. With GP's now prescribing DAA's, he hasn't had a new HepC patient for 6 months.

Just 5 years ago, I was the first cirrhotic he had 'cured' using the old Victrelis.

It's great to see the Forum truckin' on and I'm very happy the new guys don't have to experience the horrors of Interferon and Ribavirin.

Best wishes to all. Cheers



Geno 1b, IL28B CT,  x3 prior relapser,  ex-cirrhotic, 75 yo, did 48 weeks with Victrelis/Peg./Riba.  VL 1.28m at start, UNDET. at 8 ,12 ,16 ,24 ,30  and 48 weeks.  EOT 15 Feb 2013 , UNDET. at EOT + 28 weeks. SVR!  Still Undet. at EOT +5 years


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