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Post Info TOPIC: 5 years post tx


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RE: 5 years post tx

Nay my friend, am still on the rodent wheel. 

Theyll keep checking your eyes from now on I would imagine,? have you had ant other lingering side effects? The thing that  was the scaryist about older treatments is you never knew if you were going to get a lingering side effect. One friend of mine has developed a heart issue since his treatment. No fun getting air lifted out of your campsite, because the ol ticker isn't working.

Hey, hope all is well out there in the desert for you and the family! Blessings, Iris


in the silence of the woods, you will not be alone- Chief Seattle

60 years on planet, Female, diagnosed 1978 as non-a non-b, VL 8mill+, Fibro f-1f-2, Genotype 1a, treatment naïve....UNTIL 7-01-18  !!!! started Harvoni 12 weeks. :)

4 weeks=UND, 8 weeks=UND, 12 weeks=UND (EOT= 09-23-2018)


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Posts: 940

Hi Iris!  Good to see you, glad you're still coming here too!     I trust that post tx life is good for you as well.  cT27oYu.gif



Treatment halted on Aug.8,2012 due to vision problem.  6 month post tx labs

Aug.2013 SVR

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.
- Unknown




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Posts: 1170

That's good news Tim wink

Good to see you are still lurking, we need the folks that have made it to encourage the new guys!

Blessings, Iris


in the silence of the woods, you will not be alone- Chief Seattle

60 years on planet, Female, diagnosed 1978 as non-a non-b, VL 8mill+, Fibro f-1f-2, Genotype 1a, treatment naïve....UNTIL 7-01-18  !!!! started Harvoni 12 weeks. :)

4 weeks=UND, 8 weeks=UND, 12 weeks=UND (EOT= 09-23-2018)


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Posts: 940

Hi Jill!  Thanks so much, and it is good to see you again!   I do hope that life is treating you well....judging from your avatar-I bet your garden is in top shape as per usual. smile




Treatment halted on Aug.8,2012 due to vision problem.  6 month post tx labs

Aug.2013 SVR

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.
- Unknown




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Hi there Tim!!

Good to see your  post, and what great news!!  Congrats to you on your continuing SVR, we can never hear enough of it!!  I know how relieved I always am to get the all clear, 7 years after I finished my own tx!

Wonderful news too about your fantastic F2 result, you`re obviously treating your liver very well! 

Keep up the good work, my friend! And yes, isn`t retirement great!!

Congrats to you too, Tig!!  I`m loving all these great results!! smilesmile



(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.




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Posts: 940

Tig wrote:

Outstanding, Tim!! That's the best kind of news we Dragon Slayers can ever get, UNDETECTED, SVR remains viable and all the good imaging and blood work that comes with it. I just got my 5 year testing done and join you with the same good news. Were all on the SVR Train and I for one, am enjoying the scenery. I know we all are!

Best to you old friend!      Tig  smile

 Thanks Tig!  And, congratulations to you on your 5 year post tx test results!      Virtual beerchug.gif



Treatment halted on Aug.8,2012 due to vision problem.  6 month post tx labs

Aug.2013 SVR

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.
- Unknown




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Posts: 940

Canuck wrote:

Hey hrsetrdr!

Nice to see you! smile

So, man of good news - your excellent 5 year SVR included that lovely U/S indicating no cirrhosis, and a near baby-soft F2, from your fibroscan in Oct of 2017, right? Oh how we love these reports.

Does this mean you will (now) continue to receive these U/S's and fibroscans every 6 months, or perhaps every year? I hope so, I recall that that F2 was your first and only fibroscan! That was a long time in coming! Good you kept asking them about your fibrosis status, and pursued being kept up to date on that. I hope they keep offerring them to you, so that you will always be getting the good news feedback - they had been kinda keeping you in the dark about things, for quite a while, without that easy fibroscan feedback! 

We want to keep celebrating with you, every milestone and every bit of good news you receive. Ah bliss, for SVR's, U/S's and fibroscans!

What kinds of things have ya been up to, being that you keep threatening to be "really" officially retired! Is your retirement now "officially" true? Sustained official retirement (SOR)? hee hee. Hope "real" retirement is agreeing with you. biggrin C.   

 Hi Canuck!  Yea, Im pleased to no end over the reversal of my liver diagnosis.      It is my understanding that there will be just a yearly ultrasound. No mention of any future Fibroscans.   Nothing was said during this visit about any more endoscopies,  my doctor had previously told me that I did not(ever) have any esophageal varices, and the tumor in my stomach was completely benign.

Anyway, retirement is working well, all the apprehension over Social Security and Medicare is behind me.  Im actually getting a S.S. check for whats left over, after they pay for my medicare.   Im still experiencing sticker shock and adjusting to dramatically higher co-pays, above what the cost was under my previous employer group rates.

So, heres a virtual toast for SVR for all!  wine-smiley.gif    



Treatment halted on Aug.8,2012 due to vision problem.  6 month post tx labs

Aug.2013 SVR

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.
- Unknown





Status: Offline
Posts: 9286

Outstanding, Tim!! That's the best kind of news we Dragon Slayers can ever get, UNDETECTED, SVR remains viable and all the good imaging and blood work that comes with it. I just got my 5 year testing done and join you with the same good news. We’re all on the SVR Train and I for one, am enjoying the scenery. I know we all are!

Best to you old friend!      Tig  smile



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

Hep C FAQ   Lab Ref. Ranges  HCV Resistance

Signature Line Set Up/Abbreviations   Payment Assistance



Status: Offline
Posts: 3249

Hey hrsetrdr!

Nice to see you! smile

So, man of good news - your excellent 5 year SVR included that lovely U/S indicating no cirrhosis, and a near baby-soft F2, from your fibroscan in Oct of 2017, right? Oh how we love these reports.

Does this mean you will (now) continue to receive these U/S's and fibroscans every 6 months, or perhaps every year? I hope so, I recall that that F2 was your first and only fibroscan! That was a long time in coming! Good you kept asking them about your fibrosis status, and pursued being kept up to date on that. I hope they keep offerring them to you, so that you will always be getting the good news feedback - they had been kinda keeping you in the dark about things, for quite a while, without that easy fibroscan feedback! 

We want to keep celebrating with you, every milestone and every bit of good news you receive. Ah bliss, for SVR's, U/S's and fibroscans!

What kinds of things have ya been up to, being that you keep threatening to be "really" officially retired! Is your retirement now "officially" true? Sustained official retirement (SOR)? hee hee. Hope "real" retirement is agreeing with you. biggrin C.   


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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Posts: 940

hrsetrdr wrote:

Hi all,

I met with my gastroenterlogist last Monday.  I figured that he would be telling me that after 5 years he would be concluding the traking of my case.   Instead, he ordered another round of labs, including the PCR test for the Hep C virus.

Of course, the bast news of all, is the letter from the doctor that says,

Dear Timothy ,

I am happy to report that your blood test results for hepatitis C virus remain undetectable. Please call me if you have any further questions. Thank you.
Very truly yours,




I had yet another meeting with my gastro doc, this past Tuesday. He says that in discussion with a colleague, the fibroscan result of "F2", and the results of the ultrasound scans really are NOT indicating any cirrhosis...at all. That's doubly good news, as the risk of sometime developing HCC is considerably lower, in absence of cirrhosis. Of course, my doc still admonishes me to drink NO alcohol, and to keep my BMI at/below 29.



Treatment halted on Aug.8,2012 due to vision problem.  6 month post tx labs

Aug.2013 SVR

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.
- Unknown



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Posts: 230

I like a doctor who has something good to report. The other ones...


But hey, wow, I am encouraged by your cure. Today is my last Epclusa dose, so I am officially following in your footsteps.



Lamont Cranston "Only the Shadow knows."

70 years old, retired IT Network support 33 years continuous sobriety in AA, ,DX'd in '99 with MS, DX'd with HCV 2, 2b , F0-F1 3/17/2017 VL 5.7m Started EPCLUSA 7/28/17

No Virus Detected on November 20, 2017 3 months after EOT


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Posts: 940

Tig wrote:

Hi Tim,

Its good to hear from you buddy! Those are some awesome numbers, congrats on your continued, hard earned success. Did they mention anything about your retinal health? That was touch and go there, for a while. I hope you have good news about that, too!

Stay in touch, I enjoy seeing the old team back on the board! Good luck...

 Hi Tig!  Good to be here!   Re: retinal health,  the weird swelling of my right optic nerve had improved somewhat, but never went back to normal. 

  Every-so-often I see the white wispy 'smoke' in my field of vision. and at night, if in low lighting I see the blackish-gray paisley patterns in that eye.   It is what it is...


Good luck to all undergoing or completing the current HCV treatments.





Treatment halted on Aug.8,2012 due to vision problem.  6 month post tx labs

Aug.2013 SVR

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.
- Unknown




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Posts: 940

Canuck wrote:

 Ya just never know, your liver could be getting baby soft every day!

Still workin? Part-time/full-time - i forget what you said last??

Hey, BTW - nice bio you added, didn't notice that before. smile

Baby soft is what I'm shootin' for.  biggrin

I had come out of retirement and gone back to work in 2015, but now that I'm old enough for Medicare and full S.S. I decided to give that a go. 

So since this past July 1st, I am once again un-employed.   



Treatment halted on Aug.8,2012 due to vision problem.  6 month post tx labs

Aug.2013 SVR

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.
- Unknown





Status: Offline
Posts: 9286

Hi Tim,

It’s good to hear from you buddy! Those are some awesome numbers, congrats on your continued, hard earned success. Did they mention anything about your retinal health? That was touch and go there, for a while. I hope you have good news about that, too!

Stay in touch, I enjoy seeing the old team back on the board! Good luck...



68yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

Hep C FAQ   Lab Ref. Ranges  HCV Resistance

Signature Line Set Up/Abbreviations   Payment Assistance



Status: Offline
Posts: 3249

Hey hstrdr,

With every post you make, it just keeps getting better and better. Lov-er-ly labs. Hearing/seeing that UND, every time feels good doesn't it?! Nice your docs keep following you, good treatment.

Lots of past endos and U/S's that reveal nothing but good news, no varices, resolution of that stomache thing they thought they saw prior. And you managed to get them to give you a fibroSCAN, finally, so, now you have a nice "known" Fscore of only F2 to work from. (They likely have been doing fibroTESTs or similar blood test on you all along as well). 

Good they will keep following you, maybe with your next fibroscan (ask for another in future) it will even be lower! Ya just never know - as you are on a cured roll brother! By fibroscan, your kPa measurement roughly falls within 8-ish to 9-ish kPa's, that coverts to mean you are within that F2 range, next fibroscan ask them what your exact kPa number is (as well as the Fscore), then you can see if you are on the lower or higher end of the F2 range. Ya just never know, your liver could be getting baby soft every day!

Image result


(They might alternate back and forth betwen doing U/S's and fibroscans now, hard to say what their idea of following is).

It's so good you report everything back here, it's very good for the new to cure-dom to see how well we do over time. Congrats on another beauty und! 5 years ho-li-cow. biggrin C.

Still workin? Part-time/full-time - i forget what you said last??

Hey, BTW - nice bio you added, didn't notice that before. smile


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




Status: Offline
Posts: 940

Hi all,

I met with my gastroenterlogist last Monday.  I figured that he would be telling me that after 5 years he would be concluding the traking of my case.   Instead, he ordered another round of labs, including the PCR test for the Hep C virus.

Results don't look bad:




Of course, the bast news of all, is the letter from the doctor that says,

Dear Timothy ,

I am happy to report that your blood test results for hepatitis C virus remain undetectable. Please call me if you have any further questions. Thank you.
Very truly yours,





Treatment halted on Aug.8,2012 due to vision problem.  6 month post tx labs

Aug.2013 SVR

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.
- Unknown



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