After Harvoni EOT at 3 Weeks
I know 3 weeks past EOT isn't a lot of time. If my advanced math is correct +12 is still 9 weeks away. (see what I did there?) I was undetectable at 4 weeks, no VL test since then, and no VL test planned by GI until EOT +12. I've had a few full metabolic tests since week 4 and they've shown normal liver functi...
New To Forum
Hello Everyone, I'm new to the forum after conducting some research online. I finished Harvoni on September 28, 2015 and was told by my GI that I was undetectable. I had a CT scan for previous colon cancer, which everything on the scan came back ok. However, the blood work showed the following for m...
Memory problems after treatment
I'm SVR, 16 months past EOT on Sovaldi/Olysio. My short term memory is horrible. It was bad immediately following treatment, then seemed to get a little better. The past 2 months have been awful..... What are other people experiencing? Sometimes lately I worry that this may be the onset of Alzhei...
SVR 24
Just got 24 wk test results. Undetectable!! Time to lay down the sword the battle is over! So very grateful!!
Alaska Fred
1 year Hep C free
One year after 12 week Harvoni treatment still Hep C free Amazing drug
post tx problems
its a year now since eot.was on solvidi daclatisvir and riba a 12 week course.took a good 8 months for the riba to leave my system.a year on i seem to be getting real pains in mt joints.shoulders and hips being the worse.never had these problems before tx.anyone else getting these pains post tx thanks
24 week SVR!!
This has got to be the most enjoyable post I have ever done. Its finally over,the dragon is slayed. I was suppose to pick up my results 2 weeks ago, but on that day I fell and tore ligaments in my knee, I finally hobbled in on crutches yesterday to pick up the results, I may have to have an operation on my knee,...
Viekira Pak Long Term Side Effects
I am nearly 12 months post treatment and am still working through the residual effects of this medication. I'm 25 and was infected with genotype 1a for about 5 years prior to reaching SVR. I always thought that reaching the end of this disease would be one of my greatest gifts in life, but for months I'...
2 Years UND Merck Trial
Well, it has been over 2 years since I've had Hep C virus coursing thru my body. Finally Merck will be getting its' FDA approval in Jan 2016. My stomach pain has continued since my trial. My labs are fine. I've had several tests in the last six months. Had one colonoscopy, two endoscopies, a heart s...
ALT levels 82 3 years post tx
Hello everyone, I'm sure it was addressed by someone before. Can someone advice me what ALT at 82 (normal up to 52) would mean? Just has VL test showing undetectable HC levelsI'm 3 years post tx with SVR (yay!) Going to GI on Monday, but anxious to know before that thanks in advance.
Many Thanks!
Over the last four years this forum has meant so much to me. Thanks to all the dedicated folks who support so many of us! It's still sinking in that this dreadful disease is behind me. Without the encouragement and knowledge from all of you I wouldn't be where I am today! Again, many thanks to each one of yo...
Alaska Fred
Post tx 3 mo. VL test
Labs show ALT up...
I discovered that posted in my Health Manager on the Kaiser Permanente site, after my routine labs yesterday. Today I had my biennial endoscopy in the Gastroenterology dept. My gastro doctor make mention of the ALT rise, and told me that he's ordering a VL, which I'll go get drawn shortly. I did...
7 months post treatment advise.
Hi All, I will get my viral load test back next week (24 week) and feel confident it will be negative.I got all my other bloods back and my alt/ast etc. are within range.I just wished i was jumping for joy! I was starting to get more energy back, but the last month it has really dropped.My platelet count a...
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I dropped bye
To all of my old friends I hope you are well and life is good. I'm still Hep-C free after 2 years. All my ALT's are normal and my liver is slowly coming back from end stage 2 sclerosis. I still get a ultrasound every 6 months to check for cancer. Other than my COPD killing me I'm very healthy. LOL Oh well life is...
Moving forward with SVR
Well, time to change the theme of my posts since I no longer have Hep C So 3 months since EOT and I have very little to complain about. Some aspects of my body function are the best they have been in many years. I am amazed. I'm back on the bike after my initial comeback was derailed for a few weeks due to so...
Paul B
Becoming frustrated and afraid
It has been several weeks since I posted last. I reached SVR 12 in my last post. I have really good days and then out of nowhere I feel horrible. My blood pressure seems to be on the low side. My feet burn and feel numb sometimes. I sprained both my ankles and threw my back out. I'm in worse shape than ever. I'm...
The Next Phase.
Hi all, ok I have completed Tx - SVR+12 (yes!) . My Hepatoligist wants me back in 6 months. I have an ultra sound and blood work to get done prior. He said he now he wants to watch for liver cancer. Is this the route? Shouldnt I be getting an MRI? What technical words am I looking for on my test? I remembe...
Approaching SVR-24-Junction very soon
Maybe this is not a good excuse for not checking in but it is what is I guess my journey continues The Harvoni train was very exciting and seeing so many of usmaking it to End Of Treatment and feel the freedom. I and began to think about what to do now.For me I now look at this journey as a stop I did to g...
Relapse and severe body rash three months following treatment with Viekira Pak.
So I had a three month follow up blood test after being pronounced free of the viris after completing the twelve week treatment with ribavirin and the shocking news is the viris has returned. I am a non-drinker, non-smoker, non drug user, very healthy eater, and celebate. To say the least I am very disa...
Post Treatment Results: A Mixed Bag
Hi Folks, Haven't posted in a while as I wanted to wait for all results to come in. I'm still virus free at 3 months post treatment. AbbeVie says I'm SVR but my doctor feels 6 months virus free would be SVR. Either way, fine with me. However, cryoglubulins are still in my blood and he feels that since I was vi...
Results; now sad and confused
1 2
Had post tx 4 wk blood test done last fri.. and a couple of other tests my reg. doc wanted done also. Have been using a cane to help me walk for 2 wks now. 1/2 way thru harvoni tx I started getting a lot of pain in L hip, that went to L knee and to R foot. Some nights could barely, seriously walk. So last Fri. had...
EOT + 1 year---mixed results
Well, the good news is that I'm still undetected after a year from a mere 6 weeks on Sovaldi/Olysio which I had to stop because of heart flutters. My heart flutters are still here and some days I have as many as 10 to 15-- rarely will I have a day with no flutters. Before treatment, I used to have one or two a ye...
Not as confused
The pain in my hip has been diagnosed. My PT rolled me around and had me do some moves and now feels that I have a bulging disk. I have been going at least twice a wk. for 3 wks. Another light at the end of the tunnel. Had no idea a disk could cause me to not be able to walk. Thank you all for all the feed back, very i...
24 week EOT results
Lab report says: NEGATIVE, It does not say undetected but says, "Hep C /PCR,QUAL negative" I am beyond thrilled! Still a bit anxious as to platelet count falling, but not too low... down to 101 now PT slight high but lower than last month at 14.6 INR is 1.17 last month 1.17 Alk Phosp ...
Has anyone returned to "normal" after TX and clearance??
1 2
I just finished 12 weeks of Harvoni and can honestly say that I feel as bad or worse than I did pre TX and from what I'm reading in this 'post treatment topic' no one has returned to pre TX energy levels. I realize that my liver and other systems involved have to regenerate, but how long will it take? I realiz...
Argued w/nurse to get EOT+4 scheduled
Hi all, I was EOT on 9/27. Had no blood work scheduled, so I called my Dr's office to see when they had my eot+4 scheduled. They didn't, and told me I didn't need it because I've been undetected all the way through. Long story short, I had to pull up the aalsd guidelines and read from table 6 that the tes...
HEP C and fluctuating sugar levels
Hello everyone, just wondering if anyone else can relate to this. I was checking Angelo's blood results throughout the last 2.5 yrs. and I noticed that his sugar levels have been high then normal, then high again. The last 5 x the results were as follows 98, 111, 147, 72, His doctor never questioned...
Found this interesting. Ringing in your ears and pain
hips n feet giving me hell
Hey all hope everyone is tamming this wicked dragon ,i was wondering if anyone post treatment is suffering with stiff hips nfett n back everyday since treatment i struggle each morning till round 10 am to get goin im post about 8 weeks not sure if i should still have sides thanks Matt