can wifes higher viral count make mine worse
Hello everyone Im new to this kind of thing but thought i would give it a try guess will start by giving a little background my wife and I are both hep C positive she has known about hers for about 15 years or so and when we first met and got together in 2013 she was straight out and honost with me and told me abou...
For Hep c Patients
It is sad to note that many of you are denied access to life saving medicines from your insurance that does not cover it. I am a Patient Outreach Specialist for Soul of Healing, if you are a Hep c patient please email us and we will follow up with you for more information please visit XXXXXXXXX -- Edited by s...
Hello, my mother has Hepatitis C genotype 1b. Last time she was tested, I think it was about 4 months ago, her viral load was 6 million UI/ml (I realise this is still considered high, but her previous loads were even higher). About a month ago, on a whim, and because her specialist was on vacation (and sti...
Update :)
Hi everyone! It's been a while since Renee (LadyAlaise) or I have posted. Renee is 2.5 years post treatment and doing well. Looks like she slayed the dragon for good ;) The past few years have been good in that she's feeling better, but I had a nasty foot infection develop that would not clear. I wound up h...
Hello It's my first time on the forum and I really need some help. I am a healthcare worker and I was recently tested positive for hep c antibodies and negative in 2 subsequent PCR tests, after a possible exposure at the end of September 2013. You would have thought that this would put my mind at ease, a...
Caring for someone with HCV
I came across this caregivers guide by Lucinda Porter, RN,. While a couple of years old, it still applies and may be helpful if you have a friend or family member that needs some advice. I found it well written and hope it may help anyone needing it. http://www.hcvadvocate.org/hepatitis/factsheet...
Recent diagnose
Hello, My boyfriend and I have known eachother for two years and have been together for a few months now, he was recently diagnosed with hep c. He actually found out only because I asked him to get tested. The results came back and it totally caught him off guard. His grandmother had hep C from a blood tran...
worried wife!!
Hi, My name is Sona and i was looking for some help. My hubby is 28 yrs old diagnosed hepc geno1A about an year ago. he is waiting for the fibroscan test at whipps cross hospital. I see him on pain everyday and it makes me feel helpless. He gets severe headache, hip joint pain and tummy pain almost everyday....
worried to lose him
hi i met the guy that i always dreamed of two months ago, and he told me few days ago that he has hepititis C and hemophilia , i am so worry about him and about my self. we had sex without any protection and once he bite my lips while kissing , i don't remember if i bled or not, but iam sure he didnt bleed.we shared...
Hubby starts treatment today...day 1
So today has finally come. Ran around like a mad woman after work yesterday and then picking up our son to get everything done. Wanted to make sure Brian had everything ready and in place to start.
This morning we were up at 6 and cooked him a nice big breakfast. We have all his pills in his container and al...
Newbie here!!!
Hello!!! My husband is about to start treatment and we have both joined this forum.
He received the results from his liver biopsy and he is stage 3 fibrosis with genotype 1a. He will be doing the triple therapy. He should be starting therapy in about 1-2 weeks max, as we are just waiting for the doctor of...
HCV and menstruation
My boyfriend has hep C, he is a former IV drug user. We always used protection when having sex and never shared toothbrushes or rasors. However accidents happen. For the first time in 2 years of relation, the condom broke last night and I was menstruating. He finished inside. I read that the sperm may co...
Feeling Nervous
Renee has not been able to get back to her liver specialist for a host of reasons that none seem important at all right now. She's been feeling ill lately, and today, I begged her (and cried) to get her VL done and to reconnect with her doctor. I don't care if we have to drive 90 minutes to see her old doctor si...
Advice please!
Hi all, This is my first time posting on this forum. My husband started his treatment for Hep C and is now into week 3. Physically I would say that he is coping quite well so far. The first week he didn't feel great, flu like symtoms, etc. But his moods are really worrying me at the moment. He has been sufferi...
Treatment's Done :D
Renee's treatment is finally over. She finished up November 17th. Aside from a cold, she is starting to feel better. We're rediscovering parts of our relationship, which has made us both happy. We're going out more too. I'm looking forward to the post-treatment. Still nervous about SVR results, bu...
Side Effects
It's been really hard seeing how the side effect sxs are getting for Renee. Because of the Neupogen that she takes mid-week, she's lucky to have one or two good days a week, whereas before Neupogen, she could have 4 or 5. Even the interferon shots are hurting her and she's becoming symptomatic again f...
Partners help and advice
Hi everyone! Just thought i would get this section going with this. I thought it would be a good idea to have partners/supporters, and patients, to talk of their experiences. Basically, partners/supporters could tell of their experiences of Hep C/Tx and what helped ease the discomfort of it all. Co...
Ben went to dr yesterday
Ben went to his gastro yesterday, he so so tired of getting poked all the time. But, good news! He only has to do the 28 week treatment, so we are almost halfway done! It seems the meds are getting to him more now. He is so tired all the time, and coughing a lot.... but, it could be worse. He is off this wee...
Adjusting as Treatment Comes to a Close
Renee has about 5 weeks left to go on treatment. We've already started having conversations about what it will be like post-treatment. We're looking forward to some of the positive effects: Renee feeling better physically and emotionally, being able to do more things together, resuming our reg...
Risk of "infecting" spouse?
I'm new here and plan to read all topics as time permits. My first question may seem a bit self-centered and I don't mean for it to but none of my husband's doctors have suggested that I get tested. Is this normal? Many thanks!
a bump got over
this post is a very personal one - Greg and I have found it so helpful to read other people sharing of their experiences - recognizing things others say as relevant to us - so we am going to share this one Greg is a cheerful happy person who whistles and hums through his days We had a difficult day on Tuesday...
Hi. New to the neighbourhood
My name is Trudy and my husband David started Ribavirin and Pegetron 6 wks ago and Victrelis 1 week ago. He contracted Hep C in 1982 from a transfusion. He was diagnosed in 1992. He was diagnosed with a malignant tumor on his liver in October 2007 and he received a living donor transplant in February 2008...
Hardish Morning But We're Moved In
Yesterday, I went out to Renee's house to help her bring some of her stuff (the essentials) out to Eastern Mass. We decided to stay in a hotel last night because my little studio apartment was cramped and very hot (no AC allowed unless I rented it from school for $250 and had them install it for another pr...
We Make Quite the Pair
I am incredibly grateful for this year that Renee and I have been able to share together. I was reading through some of our earliest e-mails, and I wrote (before we even met in person!) that I was so appreciative of her open discussion about her Hep C. I *usually* carry a first aid kit with me when I trave...
Feeling Frustrated
Last fall, I had foot surgery to repair a chronic major foot break that was acutely retriggered. I was fortunate that I was back to partial weight bearing by the time that Renee started her treatment regimine and was there for her during the first week of treatment and periodically would spend time to...
Mum is going through treatment.
Hi, My mum is in week 6 of a 28week Interferon treatment course and I'd really love some advice from others on what I can do to help and maybe some support? Mum's had bad reactions since she started treatment, she's lethargic, in pain, loosing her hair and very irateable. Tonight she had a dizzy spell and...
Hi- New to the forum
Today my BF of 6 years found out from the Plasma center that he is infected with Hep C. I am not infected but have been defered as a donor because I am his partner, probably a smart move. I guess what I want to know is whether or not we should begin taking precautions in terms of sex now that we do know he has it. ...
An End is in Sight!
Finally it is May, and by July at the latest, Renee and I will be living out in the Boston area together. I wish her treatment was over by then, but at least she's doing okay on it. It has been so hard wanting to help out, even to just give a back rub to soothe achy muscles or gently use a cold washcloth on her h...
What happens next???
Joe has had 2.5 weeks of treatment, the second week, the day after his shot was tougher, more tiredness, etc. - does your body get used to this?, or is this cumlative, making it harder each week. We are also a little confused- he was told this is a 6 month regime, but when he got the written schedule it was f...
new here
Hopefully I'm doing this right. My husband is almost through week 7 of the triple therapy. The side effects (itching/tired/grumpy) seem to be getting worse and worse. I'm feeling pretty helpless. Glad to see there is a place for support folks. Does it ever get better?