catch up
Hi all. Thought I would drop in now and get in an early best wishes to all for the season coming up. Life is still pretty good for me, even though its been a rough year with a lot of general life stuff that happened - 1 after the other - but got through it all with my motto of 1 foot in front of the other. Its been ov...
Hyper-pigmentation cured??
Hi everyone,
I have recently finished epclusa and came out undetected!
Now that summer has approached, I have noticed that the skin pigmentation I once suffered from when my skin begins to tan has completely gone? I have had it since I can remember, it appeared as many freckle-like dots down my stom...
Blood Test
Hello Everyone! I have not logged in for over a year. I just want to say thanks for the support during the meds. Quick update, I am still undetectable, YAY. I still have a lot of nausea in the morning and pain in my right upper quadrant which sucks. I was only F3 with some scarring. So, I have to d...
Post Treatment SVR HCC rates?
I am hearing conflicting reports about svr and the increase of HCC. Can someone give me some stats/thoughts or news on HCC post svr? I have been SVR for almost 2 years - but i do have cirrhosis. Hope everyone is well!
"Mild cirrhosis"...?
Today a nurse called on behalf of the NP that is handling my Hep C case; she reports that the recent ultrasound showed no change, just some suspected "mild cirrhosis". I pressed her to define "mild cirrhosis" in real medical terms,asking her if that was like stage 1 cir...
CIU (chronic idiopathic utacaria)-Post Harvoni treatment
Has anyone developed CIU (chronic Idiopathic Uticaria) post Harvoni tx? Finished Harvoni 8weeks tx in May 2016. January 2017 severe hives (daily), itching (daily), angioedema (x2) Currently taking 360mg of Allegra twice a day plus Zantac, (prednisone 40mg -Dr took me off, replaced with Zanta...
Autoimmune Disorder secondary to Interferon Treatment
C-Kat 1969 underwent the old Interferon treatment for a year ('03 -'04) and it was apparently successful despite although it having been physically rough. I appreciate Jimmy K's remarks regarding the changes that have improved the quality of treatment in the last few years. My only regret is the s...
C-Kat 1969
Any treatment for cirrhosis on the horizon after successful treatment? Is anyone getting reversable scarring results?
Hello there I am a 27 year old female. At 19 I found out I had contracted Hep C from my mom. I did pegasus treatment and since then have tested negative for a viral load. However I still test positive for the antibody. Can I still transmit the disease to others? I am concerned that my 9 month old daughter and m...
Lingering Depression
1 2
i have a question for all if i may i am 7 months out of treatment and cured SVR and stoked , These are the thing i struggle with day to day Linering depression i mean like once a week major breakdown and exausted i am on treatment and talking with the relavent people side of quad muscles top of legs always so...
7 Months post Harvoni treatment problems, please Help.
Hi, I have started Harvoni treatment on 05/2016 finished 08/2016 Had 12 week treatment plan. While I was on treatment I have had severe brain fog, just couldn't think at all. Severe fatigue bedridden. And extreme light sensitivity all the time. I started of with low viral count, all organs wer...
Two years after Viekira Pak-Undectected
Well its been two years post treatment and the VA ran another test. Still undetected and The ALT And AST are both very low. 20 and 31. I guess I got lucky. I know I had the Hep C 1A about 30 years and no real liver damage and Undetected since the first test. Sure sounds cured to me!. Good stuff Viekira Pak. Good...
Did Harvoni cause my medical conditions
Hi there it's been a long time since I've been on this board and sorry that I haven't been keeping up :(
Anyhow I was one of the "lucky" ones to get Harvoni when the FDA first approved it 10/15. The Dr put me on 6 months of treatment becuz I was a former non responder.
Went thru treatment no side affects I was...
Harvoni-My Security Blanket
I finished my 8 weeks of Harvoni on June 13 and tested UND at end of treatment. I take my SVR test after Labor Day. I was telling Gojuman (Mike) that taking Harvoni every day was like a security blanket. I had no side effects, whatsoever, so when my 8 weeks was up - I wished I had 12-just to keep on putting up...
Things are looking pretty good
Hi All, long time no post, I am rather busy at work again, after a nice cruise down the coast of Norway, which messed up my BMI targets pretty good (it is 28 again). But I still read the forum a lot. Just got my EOT+43 weeks stuff: HCV PCR: TND (<15), ALT 17, AST 19, GGT 22, AFP 4, and the ultrasound reports...
Update On Carolyn
Greetings, It is my hopes that the following information will encourage folks to seek treatment. Fact is, it works. Yesterday Carol and I had a follow up visit with Dr Sussman. We were both scheduled for tests to be performed. Mine of course have yet to be drawn as doing so is somewhat of an adventure. Th...
Is Prednisone Safe after SVR?
I treated with Sovaldi Olysio succesfully and have had SVR for about 3 years. Last month I developed Bells Palsy and was given a course of Prednisone tapering from 60mg to 5mg over a period of 10 days. My doctors OK'd this, but now I'm wondering if there's any research on Prednisone and Hep C relapse ...
Wait and see..
Thought I'd update you all. First want to thank everyone for their knowledge, experiences, and support for one another. While I don't post often, I continually glean much from you all. As of last night, finished 24 weeks of "unconventional ?" treatment. UND by 6wks & 14wks. After 1 or 2 wks, I incr...
SVR 2 Years
A little late in posting, but I did achieve 2 years SVR in January 2017. I am on the Abbvie 5 year follow up plan with Viekira Pak. ALT 42 (range less than 55) and AST 32 (range 5-34) according to their lab. So all good there. However, my Cholesterol is still dancing around like the stock market, in Janua...
Hi Everyone, I finished my 12 weeks of Harvoni on December 9th, and just got the news today - UNDETECTED! I have to repeat the test in 3 months, but this is such great news to get before Christmas and the New Year!Thank you to all of you for being my bedrock of support during this terrible year - I couldn't h...
EOT + 12 weeks
It's a done deal. No virus detected. My platelets are 132 . That is a great improvement for me. I am considering putting out an amber alert as we can't seem to find that cancerous tumour of mine.
It's been a while!
Hello friends, i have been lurking a little over the last few weeks and decided it was time to officially pop my head in. It's been a couple of years since Tx. To be honest I am absolutely rubbish with dates, but I think I am almost 3 yrs post. It took a good year before I started to feel like myself again but in...
What are folks' long term plans post-treatment?
Hi, haven't posted for a while but I still like to read all the success stories! I achieved SVR back in 2013 after a Bristol Myers clinical trial. I'm 72 now, and have a cirrhotic liver. My blood tests have been great and I feel very well, do a lot of exercising and get an ultrasound every six months. So...
2 year SVR
Well not quite.. a couple of months short but close enough. Guess it's all over now.And since i was undetected at week 4 of the 12 month tx... that is nearly 3 years virus free!! Yay me. So got some results and ALT is 28 & AST 37. Does this still indicate cirrhosis with the AST being higher??? Plus my AF...
Paul B
After treatment issues?
I'm very sorry to start my own thread- I am feeling kind of anxious which if you remember me, tends to be an issue with me. Lol. I'll read some relevant threads later when I have some time and energy...for now, if someone could help me with a quick answer? I am now about a little over six months post treatme...
SOT + 1 Year
Nothing more really but I just wanted to post that today is the anniversary of swallowing my first Harvoni Pill. I do recall that day as if it was yesterday. One year later, a few nervous scares and incidents and still UND as of Dec and I am quite sure now as well. I owe so much to the people on this forum and t...
Hello post three month treatment results feeling very lucky
ALT 20 ALP 71 T.Bilirubin 9 GGT 31 Albumin 45 AFP 5 hep c UNDETECTED !!!!!!!!!!!!! im a different person now -- Edited by Tiger on Saturday 4th of February 2017 03:06:39 PM
SVR (UND) 1521 days!!! Check in
4 years, 1 month, 30 days since I ENDED my hellish ride and quest to kill the Dragon and thus far it's still down for the count! :D (Nov 17, 2012) Just checking in with you all! I gained a ton of weight lol and now have Fibro (ugh) but! Lindsay and I FINALLY got married; when we picked our wedding date it then oc...
Still kickin' one year later
Hi all, Thought I'd drop in to say hi... Just got my one-year SVR (Woot!) and things are going pretty well. Riba symptoms are gone and, overall, I'm feeling pretty darn good Kind of a bummer that brain fog and aches and pains can't be blamed on it any more though--now it's strictly old age lol. Starte...
Oral Lichen planus
Hello all i am approx 20 weeks post treatment. at my 12 week visit, I was RCV negative; the news in itself was miracle-like. unfortunately, I have never felt as unhealthy as I do now. apart from general fatigue, lack of appetite, arthralgia & interrupted sleep, I have developed an autoimmune cond...